Appreciation😃 (Not an Update)

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I just wanted to thank everyone who are reading this💜

I purple you all ARMY

You all have given me stable views without me having an Instagram or twitter id and I'm really really glad that you all are enjoying my story

THANK YOU so so much whether you're reading it individually , if you have recommended it to your friends, if you have left comments or voted or done both, if you have messaged me regarding updates and given me suggestions, have kept inspiring me and everything in between💜

And to everyone who have added it to their reading list for reading it now or in future or just had a glance through it....for a first time writer it means a lot🍎

Thanking you all again




I was a bit confused 👉👈
Do you guys want me to write the rough aggressive part of Jk and Tae or skip to the ending?

Due to my bad habit of detailing overboard, it might add an extra chapter if you all don't want me to skip....I would say wE ShOuLd
sKiP hehehehe

So umm....

So umm

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;) I will go with the majority. Feel free to pm me if you don't wanna comment here🥰

What's the hurry? I still got more to talk... STAY lmao

Let's study Biology!
(No! not that one you perverts)

The alleles of different traits (character: alpha/ beta or omega)
a- alpha XX Female
b- beta XY Male
p- Prime YY destroyed
o- omega

Two alleles (a,p,b or o) of the same trait (character) are dominant over the third

Strength: p>a>b>o

However three alleles of the same trait is the strongest of the lot in case of Alphas that is,

a a a> a a p > a a b > a a o

Genetic makeup

(will be needed... I will provide an
(A/N) wherever necessary)

Prime Jeon Jungkook- p p p
Prime Kim Namjoon - p p a

Dom beta Park Jimin- b b p
Normal beta- b b o / b b a/ b b b

Pure Omega Kim Taehyung- o o o
Omega Kim Seokjin- o o a
(Yes Jin's got one alpha gene)

Alpha/ Sub alpha (all the same)
a a a/ a a o/ a a b
Min Yoongi, Dr Sam, Park Seonghwa respectively

a b o doesn't exist

There's more...

Don't Run yet

1) Device: Smart glasses

(let's say these help the blind to see: I'm not an expert in this area but searched up google...I will be glad if anyone wants to help)

In the story

👉 still under trial with success rate of clear vision at 82%
👉 owned exclusively by only a few selected government officials
👉 to be soon launched in the public specially amongst the rich at a very high price

2) Device: Madeleine

It's a smell camera.

There's a particular technique through which this camera in real life (yes it exists) can capture smell

In the story

👉Let's just say, that it is a device that captures smell almost immediately just by bringing it near the strong smelling areas of a person (underarms, smell glands in the alphas and omegas, crotch and all the other places)

And there's still more

1)The world in this fiction does have places like Paris, Seoul, Colombo, Java and others but it is divided into two parts

The East and the West

There are only two governments controlling these vast regions
So understand the power lol...

2) Jungkook has three eye colours:
a) Brown: Complete human
b) Red purple: Part human in cooperation with part wolf self
c) Full Red: Complete wolf

I don't think I have anything more to tell hehe... I won't hold you guys longer in this chapter

Updating soon Apples! 🍎💜



Last one!

I have one more request... I mean 👉👈 if you are liking the story please don't forget to click the star button... It helps me a lot🥰

Stay safe and stay healthy ;)

Thank you for supporting me loves♥️

Hope y'all enjoy!



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