one ⤦

738 17 19


"a broken heart is all that's left"


the sun beat down through the room's window, a gentle hue settling on the white curtains. the sun shone on two people in a bed, holding onto each other so tightly, so securely, but yet somehow, so passionately, like they had been doing it for so many years. it looked like a habit, the man's hands wrapped around the woman's middle as her head was buried deeply into somewhere between the man's bare chest and neck. his nose was nuzzled into the girl's dark brown locks as they slept. away were the worry lines caused from overwhelming stress, and instead was replaced by the smallest hint of a smile on both person's lips, so tiny, barely there, but it was as if they knew that just by holding one another, everything was going to be okay.

she wasn't quite sure what time it was. all she knew was that the sun far past what is considered to be it's rising point. it beat down on her skin, a golden glow reflecting on her olive tan. she was currently in the state of being asleep yet awake at the same time. she knew things were going on around her, but she was much too tired to actually open her eyes and face the day.

all she was really able to focus on was the comfort of her pillow. she snuggled in closer to it, inhaling the scent unconsciously, a mix of mint and aftershave, different than what she remembered, but she was liking this smell so much more.

she took these special moments and them close to her, she knew by now her 'pillow' was really just her husband. it had been a long while since he'd held her so closely like he currently was. the sun's rays were much too bright now, she could tell even from facing away.  it was too late to fall back asleep. she tries to pry her tired eyes open, but is mostly unsuccessful, since she wasn't sure if she was still awake or just in a dream.

once she knew she was on the more conscious side of things, she lets her ears wander, listening to the sounds of her room. the birds chirping softly outside, the quiet snores coming from her husband.

she gains the feeling of touch back, noticing then how her skin felt hot. an arm was wrapped around her center, and another was on her shoulder. she decided she didn't want to open her eyes just yet, she didn't want to ruin the moment. she forgot what it felt like to be held in his arms so securely.

as she buries her nose in his neck something feels different.

actually, everything feels different.

the smell of old spice and men's cologne wasn't present, but the new smell of mint and aftershave, the one from earlier. the arm around her midsection was muscular, much more built than she remembered it to be. and the chest she currently had her palm on, this was not the same chest she was used to. this chest didn't have any hair on it, last time she checked her husband still had the neatly trimmed hair on his chest. on this chest, she could feel the muscles pulsing as he breathed in and out, something she wasn't used to. the chest she knew was strong and muscular, but not like this.

it was then she decided it was time to open her eyes. she expected to be met with the face of her husband, but no, oh no. this man, this man was most certainly not her husband.

this man's jawline was sharper, had a five-o'clock shadow rather than a full stubble, shorter hair that was a shade darker than the color she was used to, and this man's lips were a bit more full and red.

she felt her eyes grow wide as she took in the situation. she realized she didn't have any clothes on other than her underwear, so did the man. she quickly wiggles out of the guy's strong hold, trying to grasp what the hell happened.

Loving You Is A Losing Game ➶ jolexWhere stories live. Discover now