
245 11 17

TW// domestic abuse


"small town boy in a big arcade. i got addicted to a losing game."



you do realize how crazy that sounds right?


it's not crazy at all if you ask me.


jo, asking for lollipops for your christmas present sounds very crazy to me.

and christmas isn't for like, a while.


dude, christmas is in two weeks and one day

and plus, i'm settling on lollipops. what i really want is a pony, a shiny, pretty one with rainbow hair, you know those? that's my dream right there


oh crap really?

yeah yeah, ha ha. laughing so much right now.


hate to break it to you, but it's the 10th alex.

and i know, what a shame i wont be able to have my pony. it was at the top of my list this year

next to an ice cream sundae the size of manhattan, obviously.


very funny. can't you tell how much i'm laughing.

crap, got to go, robbins is letting me in on an esophageal atresia on a newborn. i'm her favorite you know. 


ugh, lucky.

make sure to kick ass and not kill anyone. that would suck. actually... your big head could use some ego deflating. make sure robbins has to save you halfway through. maybe then you'll earn some humility.  


wow, you're such great help. so nice too. 


you know it ;)

she turns off her phone, a small smile on her face as she looks out the window, passing by houses that all looked exactly alike; white exteriors with a bright green lawn. the only thing that could help someone tell them apart was the door colors. her and paul had just come back from a dinner with some of his coworkers, but he wasn't talking to her so she decided to text alex. the silence in the car was tense, though she was unable to grasp the reason why. 

they'd been texting non-stop since the conference three weeks ago, talking about each other's days, complaining about annoying coworkers and classmates. they really enjoyed having a friend they could just talk to because they felt like it. it was refreshing. they'd never had anyone like that before. in the past they had friends that they felt comfortable around, but it was different when you had someone who understood you so well. not to mention, being able to make self deprecating jokes about their crappy childhoods and receive a laugh in response was so much nicer than the pity stares they were both so used to getting, 

Loving You Is A Losing Game ➶ jolexWhere stories live. Discover now