three ⤦

350 11 8


"lost a couple of pieces when i carried it, carried it, carried it home."


"it was only a one time thing."


i promise you, it was only supposed to happen once. i swear. it was something that was going to be pushed into the back of their minds, buried deep so they would never have to think of it again. it would be a long forgotten memory that would fade away as time went on, eventually becoming something that would become a minuscule blur. it wasn't supposed to happen again.

but it did.


at first, the memories from the night before came back to her slowly, starting at first in tiny little flickers, like a light switch turning on and off.


and off.


and off.







it was mainly just her remembering bits of their drunken conversation at the hotel's bar. she was able to remember laughing. there was a lot of laughing. and... tears? oh, her fake ones. she used the fake tears on him. weird... but alright. there was talking to each other, lots of talking about only god knows what.

then it was flirty glances. it was her, an occasional peer over her vodka tonic as she sips it, using the tiny colorful straw to swallow. it was him, keeping his eyes locked on hers as he downs his beer or occasional shot of tequila with ease. she didn't know how long it took for them to get to how drunk they were, but she was guessing a few beers and a fair amount of shots.

then it was the way he pulled her into the hotel room, dragging her by the hand as she had to jog to keep up with his drunken speed. she feels the explosion of fireworks go off in her body, not missing the way their hands fit together so easily as they stumbled down the hall.

once they're both inside the room they waste no time in attacking each other's lips. as soon as she feels his lips on hers she lets out a moan, giving him the opportunity to slip his tongue into her mouth, which he gladly takes. his hands glide down from her back, one resting on her hip and the other right above her ass.

and then... everything came back.

the way he's skimming his thumb over her skin makes her feel like a fire was set to her skin, suddenly finding the heat to be too much. without pulling away from his lips she tugs at his shirt, hoping to god that he would know what she wanted him to do. thankfully he does, and he starts to pull it over his head, tossing it aimlessly behind him somewhere. the feeling of his lips being away from hers for too long makes her reach back up to him and wrap her arms around his neck and pull him down to her, which he responds to just as eagerly. somehow the heat radiating off him turned her fire like skin to a blazing flame.

Loving You Is A Losing Game ➶ jolexWhere stories live. Discover now