ᑕᕼᗩᑭTᗴᖇ 4

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Why is everything in UA so huge?! That's all my mind can think when I see the school. And inside isn't any different.

Shinso and I walk in. There's a lot of people and, honestly, I'm pretty scared. I can't touch too many people or my mind will get stressed out. I stay close to Shinsou, with some distance of course, and avoiding eye contact with everyone. Lucky of me we are in the same class. We stop at the door that says 1-C and Shinsou opens it. There are some students inside waiting for our teacher. They don't seem interested in us so we just walk in. I drop my bag and take a sit at the front beside the door. Shinso sits next to me when some more students start coming. Not much happened by then, just introductions and some theory.

After the first periods finished, we had lunch, so Shinsou and I went to the dining hall. There was even more people than before. Suddenly, a guy with red spiky hair and red eyes hits lightly my shoulder, giving me a boost of adrenaline. At first he seems to space out, because he doesn't stop looking at me and I can feel he's confused as hell. Does he know me? He snaps out of it when a pink girl pats his shoulder.

"Ah! Sorry! I didn't mean to be a creep!"

He bows to apologize and the pink girl drags him away while yelling.

"Come on, Kirishima! We are going to run out of nuggets!"

I let out a giggle. That Kirishima has a lot of positive energy, and it seems the pink girl too. They would be a nice couple if they aren't together yet.


Shinsou calls me and hands me a tray. After getting the food we take a sit far from the others.

"You okay?" He asks me before taking a bite from his udon.

"Yeah, I'm fine." I start eating my yakitori.

When we were at the bus, I told him everything about my quirk. He was going to find out anyway if we're going to spend time together, so I understand if he gets worried about me. Just like my parents.

"Do you know him?"

"I'm not sure. But he was staring at me for a long time."

"Maybe he was one of those guys you used for the exam."

I suddenly realize and look around for him. He's sitting in the middle of the room with other people and... Isn't that the ash blonde? Maybe I should apologize to them.
Shinsou notices where I'm looking at and he stands up. Wait... What is he doing? I see him walk to the table where Kirishima is. Shinsou is telling him something and pointing towards me. Oh no... The blonde saw me too, and he's coming with a scowl on his face. This can't end good.

"Hey fuckface!"
He looks down at me very pissed.
"You know what I had to do to be here?! I had to repeat that fucking exam because of you!"
They had to repeat it? Now I feel worse than before.

Kirishima comes running towards us and holds his shoulder trying to reassure him.
"Bakugou, don't be like that. I'm sure she didn't mean to cause any trouble."

While Shinsou walks to stand beside me I bow to them.
"I'm so sorry, I didn't know. It won't happen again."

The red haired gives a glance at his friend, his scowl softening.
"Tch. Whatever."

"I'm Kirishima Eijiro. And this is Bakugou Katsuki."
Bakugo turns to him kinda surprised.
"You know my name?"
Kirishima looks back at him feeling offended.
"Of course! Why? You didn't remember mine?!"
The blonde shrugs and walks away. Doesn't look like he cares much about what's happening.

"I'm Nento Kanjo. And this is Shinsou Hitoshi."

"Yo." Shinso greets him and Kirishima nods.

The red haired looks at me again. I can feel a lot of energy from him.

"So... I wanted to ask you."


"What's your quirk?"

"Well... If you want I can show you. Do you want to try too, Shinsou?" I look at both a bit nervous.

They seem intrigued, so they nod expectantly and I hold their hands. There's that intense energy again. I can't really describe it, but it's really powerful. And there's also another one, very gentle but strong at the same time. Both make me feel warm.

Kirishima is the first to speak.
"Why do I feel so... warm?"

I let go of their hands.
"It's me. We're feeling what the other is feeling."

"We should finish lunch, it's almost time for class." Shinsou finally says.

"Oh! Yeah, sorry. You're right. I should go back. See you later!" The red haired says before going back to his friends.

Shinsou and I sit down again. While eating I can see him kinda, smiling?
"Why are you smiling?"

He looks at me and back to his food.
"It's nothing."

I keep staring at him frowning. What's wrong with him? It's like he's making fun of me.
"Are you making fun of me?"

He almost chokes with his food trying to hide his amusement.
"No! Why would you think that?"

I raise an eyebrow and he does the same smiling. What a douchebag.

"I just find nice that you feel comfortable around me." He finally answers. "Not everyone likes me once they know about my quirk. I guess it's somehow different for you. You never controlled anyone before the exam, did you?"

He lifts his gaze as he finishes his food and I shake my head.

"Listen. People don't like to be controlled, they get scared. If anyone avoids you because of that don't give it too much importance. But if they bother you call me, okay?"

I nod slowly. It's true I did that at the exam, but I never thought people could be scared of it. I should be careful. Shinso seems to know a lot about this, maybe something happened to him. But before I could ask anything it was time for class. I guess I'll try again when we go back home.

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