The beginning of my love story

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My dear Diary, you may think I am stupid right??? Instead of expressing my feeling directly to him, Why am I wasting my time writing here right???

But please try to understand me, I am not that courageous to tell him right now.who knows  maybe in the future I may decide to say it. But for now, Just listen to my feelings ok. I know You will not judge me, nor will make fun of me for my stupidity. So that's why you're the best person to share my story with. So here I begin.

To be very honest It wasn't a love at first sight. At first, I didn't even have time to look at him. It's not that I hated him, but just that I never paid any attention to any guy with such feelings. To think about it, I didn't even had feelings for him when we met couple of times. But without even realising, I fell for him.

If I try to remember, how, when or why did I fell for him.. "I don't know???" As far as I remember, at first, I didn't even consider him to be someone I would fall for.

Isn't it surprising, "how someone you never expected, turns out to be the one, you want to spend your entire life with?"

My love journey may be one sided, he may feel nothing for me but my heart can't stop beating faster whenever he is around me.

My dear Diary what to do ??? I think I am falling head over heals for him...


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