feeling special

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Dear Diary, after that day , we interacted more and more. I don't know how but he was almost everywhere I go. Was it always like that??? where and what was he he doing last month ??? Why I couldn't see him anywhere last month but now it's almost as if he is following me.

Slowly with each encounter, we both started to or let's say ,I started to feel really comfortable around him. Greeting each other every time we met was common. Now he was so comfortable that he would tease me quite often. Sometime he would say "wow Junkyu that hairstyle really looks cute on you". Such compliments would cause me to blush for almost an entire day".

I don't know when did  he started to stick around me so much and we became so close. We started to spend so much of time talking and teasing each other. Whenever I was around him a big smile was always plastered on my face. It was the first time in my life, that someone was genuinely taking efforts to make me happy, and who on earth will not love the feeling of being made happy by someone??

Soon There  was festival going on in our school and Hyungsyuk hyung invited me to go to festival along with Yedam hyung and Haruto Hyung. How could I deny such a good offer right?? So, after checking myself 100 times in the mirror, I went to the festival.

There was a singing festival organized in one of the stall. I don't even know when did Haruto hyung registered my name as one of the participant. I was so surprised when my name was announced. Both Hyunsyuk hyung and Haruto Hyung were pushing me to go to the front. I was arguing with both of them "No no I am not a good Singer please don't ask me to go".

Right then he replied "I clearly remember Junkyu, you told me How much you liked singing. I think it's a great opportunity for us to hear you singing."

He looked so excited to hear me singing, I don't know why but I didn't wanted to bring that excitement down. So guess what I said Yes to participate in the singing competition.

The more participants started to sign, the more I started to regret my decision. They sang as if they were the professional singer and it made me so nervous. It been really long since I had sang in a public.

I don't know why But during that moment when I was so unsure and freaking out, he was the one I was looking at. And luckily I found him staring at me as well.  He smiled and did a fighting gesture!! That made me relax a bit.

Finally it was my turn, and the song that I choose to sing was "Don't go by Exo." Although I couldn't say it out loud, but I dedicated this song entirely to Him

EXo don't go english lyrics by - Elise (Silv3rT3ar)

Your small wings fluttering
As if they were waving
Seemed like you were telling me to follow after you
Your sad eyes looked at me, as you told your story
It was that night that the wind blew you right into my heart

My mind keeps wandering, thinking of you
I'm the one that is completely captivated by you
It's like I'm mesmerized
Forgot to breathe, oh my
If this is love I'm willing to go anywhere with you

It's like we're dancing
When I'm with you I'm not scared of anything
Be it a second or eternity I know where I want to be

So, baby, don't go
Yeah, take me anywhere with you and we'll walk together forever, oh
Oh, and when the world's ending I'll be right by your side
Please don't leave
When the morning comes, please don't just disappear
Please tell me that you will always be right here, oh
It's as if I'm dreaming
Don't fly away, my beautiful butterfly

Oh, woo-Hoo-Hoo~
Oh Yeah Yeah~
Woo-Hoo-Hoo, Yeah~
My beautiful butterfly

I was so nervous that  I couldn't even open my eyes during entire performance. But as soon as it ended, my eyes automatically searched for one person. And guess what, I saw him staring down my face with that sweet smile on his face. I regretted for not having enough courage to look at him during performance. If I had, then would I have caught him staring at me ?

With so many thoughts running down my head, I came downstairs. My nervousness was still not gone, my legs were still shaking. I came down and they all clapped for me and praised me for singing. Soon both Hyunsyuk Hyung and Yedam hyung started to enjoy the last performance.  I was glad because I was a shaking mess, my entire body was shaking with nervousness. Thank God they were busy with something else. I sighed with relief... But guess not, how could I forgot that there was one more person and right now that person was clearly teasing the heck out of me .

"Wow look at our singer Kim Junkyu setting the stage on fire. Such a liar, what did you say earlier, "no no don't send me , I am such a bad singer."

He continued his teasing which I couldn't take so any longer. I forwarded my shaky hand and replied, "what great singer and did great., look, I am so nervous that even my hands are shaking."

I don't know what was going on in his head, but the moment he held my hand in his, my head stopped working. And the next thing he told me, "it's ok you did great don't be nervous."

That small gesture and his sweet smile, I thought I could finally rest in peace. My life had seen enough.
You know what was even more sweeter than his smile?? It was how he didn't let go of his hand till I completely calm down. He really said, I'm there for you so don't worry. Such kind gesture from him definitely calmed me down, and he noticed it too. Soon he came closer to my ears and whispered, "Jukyu don't be afraid to do the things that you like, life is short so enjoy and do whatever you want now. That's the only way you wouldn't regret it afterwords."

Dear Diary , Once again he left me speechless. I can't believe In such a short amount of time he became someone who teases me to the point I want to kill him, but at the same time he is the person who calms me down when I am nervous and motivates me to move forward in life... He was really making me feel special in so many ways.

Could he stop making me feel this special??


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