At last

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Soon after the trip, I started to ignore Haruto Hyung as much as possible. Our exam was approaching which helped me a lot to distract myself. I came to Seoul from Busan so I could study in good University. I was getting a good scholarship and I didn't wanted to lose it. So all my focus on past 2 weeks were on my studies. Even when he called me I didn't pick up. I didn't reply any of his text. Since our exam was on different days I didn't see him in the College as well. Today was the last day of exam and I was happy because I believe that my exam went well and those scholarships were still mine.

Just when I was about to leave the classroom, I received a text from Hyungsyuk Hyung. "Junkyu how was your exam"

It was good hyung. How was yours .

Mine was good as well.

Junkyu what are you doing tomorrow?? Any plans??

I don't have it yet but why hyung??

Oh that's great. Our anniversary is tomorrow so we are throwing a party. So you have to come ok. 7 pm tomorrow our place.

(now I realised why I didn't lie. Only if I had said I was busy then I wouldn't have to go and face him. But now I have no choice right so I replied. )

Yes Hyung I will be there.

Just yesterday didn't I said I don't want to face him. Then what the heck was I doing 1 hour earlier than the invited time.Since I was already standing in-front of the door, I couldn't turn away right so I just rang the bell.

Oh Junkyu you are early. Hyungsyuk Hyung asked me as soon as he opened the door.

Did I came too early??? I said with little bit hesitant in my voice.

Yedam hyung came right in time and said "It's ok Junkyu we were running short on helping hand and you came early, that's just perfect. Come in now.

Happy anniversary to both of you. Hope you will together for many many years to come.

Both of them hugged me and said Thank you Junkyu. I hope you will find someone soon too.

I smiled at both of them and said. I will. And with that I entered into the house.As soon as I entered, my eyes met directly to his. We were both staring at each other quietly when suddenly someone came running toward Haruto.

Rutooyaaa can you help me to tie my apron, its loose and keeps coming off.

Haruto hyung was started but was quick to control, " Sure. Turn around."

When that guy turn around he saw me. With full of excitement he said "wow we have a guest here". Well I guess you are Junkyu right??

Huh. How did you know.

Oh Haruto told me about you. He gave me a such a sweet smile that I couldn't help myself from smiling back. (But wait did he just said Haruto hyung told him about me??? What did he told and who was this person in the first place??) So I politely asked him, I am sorry but am quite not sure who you are.

Oh you don't have to be polite with me. I am Jeongwoo. Hyungsyuk's best friend. Right Hyungsyuk.

No you are no longer. You left me alone. Hyungsyuk hyung shouted from the kitchen.

You could have followed me then?? Why did you stay behind??? Oh I forgot you had such a cute little puppy by your side, why will you follow me right.

Yah Park Jeongwoo.

Hyungsyuk teasing you is so fun.

I couldn't help but smile only. He was just like Haruto hyung had mentioned. A total fun maker.

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