Time for me to move on!!!

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After walking for few minutes we are at the bottom of the cliff.. the path to climb the cliff looked a bit scary... I was a bit hesitant to start climbing, it looked really slippery and what if my foot slipped.. Then forget about enjoying the trip I will be enjoying the hospital bed instead... So Instead of walking I stopped my feet from moving further... Maybe I should go back...

When I stopped so suddenly, he also stopped in place and at looked at me... "What's wrong Junkyu"

I really think it's not safe to climb, what if we slipped???

Don't worry Junkyu, it's not that slippery.. The view from the top will be so good, I really want to see it..Junkyu, I don't want to enjoy it alone, will you come with me?? Here hold my hand if you are that scared...

He moved his hand for me to hold, I don't want to deny.. But how to hold it..

When I stood there not showing a sign of moving my hands... He voluntarily took my hands in his "Junkyu Trust in me, you will be fine" I promise I will not let anything happen to you ..

We slowly climbed the cliff... And like he mentioned, the view was mesmerising.... the clear blue sea could be seen till our eyes could see... the soft breeze that was passing by made it a perfect place for anyone to enjoy... "Indeed the view is great"

With saying that, I tried to move my hands, he just tightened his grip on my hand... Lets sit over there Junkyu....

Slowly both of us sat near the edge of the cliff. Once we sat comfortably he started to speak...
"I told you Junkyu "whenever I come to beach, I always spend some time in a place like this... Its really relaxing... After a pause he continued...

To be honest, I was looking for a ways to relax myself after yesterday incident... I got a bit relieved after crying in the morning but still I am not completely relaxed... I wanted to let go of all these heavy feeling but I was scared to be alone.... He looked straight into my eyes "Thank you Junkyu for tagging along..." I feel kind of relief whenever you are by my side..

Hyung do you still love him???

 I don't know why I asked him that.. But maybe deep inside my heart I wanted to know, do I still have a chance or somebody else has that chance.... I could feel the rush in my body... I was eager to know his answer....

Did Hyungsyuk told you about him??

I nod

Then he closed it eyes and replied "Junkyu if I said I don't know whether or not I still love him, will you think am stupid?

I quickly replied "No why would I think you are stupid....

Thank you for saying that but I find myself stupid.. Its been 3 years but still I cannot forget him... The care that he showered me for all those years were so precious that no matter what I cannot forget it... I want to move on because he already has but why I feel like my heart is still beating for just that person... Junkyu every night before I go to sleep I remember him... I remember how we use to laugh together... Sometime I even imagine us getting back together.. If we can get back together I will make sure to treasure him... He continued to speak but it was getting hard for me to listen....

Not just me but anyone could tell that he was still in love with that person... I told him yesterday that I will listen to his story but I think I was not ready... Seeing him being this miserable, I don't think I could listen anymore.... But I promised him that I would listen, even if it breaks my heart into pieces I will listen... Yes Junkyu You have to listen to whatever he has to say.... So I continued to listen...

Hyung can you tell me what exactly happened three years back..

I never thought there will be a day I will be sharing my pain with someone but I guess I can share with you...

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