Last day of trip

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It was our last day of the trip.. This trip was like roller coaster ride for me.. I felt both happiness and pain. All I could think as I got was just one more day to face him. After this don't even look at him. And today also try to stay away from him.

Our last destination was Seongsan llchulbong which is also famous for its picturesque sunrise view. Hyung thought seeing the sunrise together will be a great memory from trip.

It was 5 am in the morning when we packed all our stuffs and left for our destination, we decided we will be heading to our home right after that. It was almost one hour trip on bus so before he could approach me I went inside the bus and quietly sat on the same second last bench. Soon Jihoon hyung excitedly came toward me and said "maybe you really like this seat Junkyu. Can I sit here again with you today as well." I saw Haruto hyung climbing on the bus as well, so I quickly nodded and Jihoon hyung sat beside me.

At one point our eyes met and I could tell he was angry about letting Jihoon Hyung sit beside me. If it was any other day maybe I would have got up but today I didn't wanted too.

 I was feeling really sleepy so all I did was sleep on the bus. When we arrived at the destination Jihoon hyung wake me up. We had fo hike for around 45 minutes to reach the cliff. it was already 6 in the morning and sunrise was at 7am so without wasting any time we all started to walk. Jihoon hyung stayed by my side and I was really relieved. He was saying random stuffs and was making me laugh. After walking for 30 minutes straight we were at resting.I just sat in one of the benches, Jihoon hyung went to get me some water. Suddenly haruto hyung offered me the water but exact at that time Jihoon hyung came back with water as well. I took the water that Jihoon hyung brought me and drank it. Haruto hyung was sending a death glare to Jihoon hyung. But Jihoon hyung quietly ignored it and sat beside me and said "Junkyu I think half an hour passed really quickly, wish I could still walk days and night with you."

Hyung stop it you can't walk entire day and night. Its impossible.

If you are by my side I can do anything in this world Junkyu.

This time haruto hyung pulled Jihoon hyung by the hem of his shirt and said "yah you what did you just say??"

I guess some people are really deaf.

You really have no shame right??? Hitting on any random person. Such a cheap act.

Yes am hitting on him so what. At least I am being direct .. Not like someone who just knows how to confuse people.

Who is confusing who.

You are more fool than I expected Haruto.

Yah Park Jihoon come to point.

There are 10 other people in the trip but ever since morning why you are looking for ways to be with Junkyu. When Junkyu ignored you why were you sad as if someone broke your heart?? why are you acting like a jealous boyfriend when I try to hit on him? I don't think a brother will care about someone's personal life this much and to be honest you are not even his brother??? So why do you care so much about him??

I don't see a reason for me to answer you..

Stop acting like you have answers to my questions .. If you had you wouldn't be acting this way. Haruto As your old friend I am giving you a big suggestion, figure out your feelings quickly, I don't want you to lose someone once again for not realizing early.

With that Jihoon hyung pulled me and we started to continue our journey.

So you knew.

Junkyu with the way you look at him, it is not hard to tell what you feel about him. Seriously Haruto is a fool to not realise how much you like him. I just hope he will realise his feeling before you stop loving him.. But Junkyu always remember that I will be there for you whenever you need me. And don't worry I will keep it a secret a secret form your other hyungs.

Thank you Hyung but you hitting on me is that real.

Wish I had that luck Junkyu. Somehow I wish Haruto to never realise so I could get a chance but that would be so selfish of me right. He replied with a sad tone in his voice..

I am so sorry hyung. That was all I could say to him.

Junkyu saying you sorry is the last thing I want to hear. And Don't worry about me Junkyu, Like Haruto said I am a total flirt. soon I will find someone new. Again that enthusiasm was back in his voice.

Seriously he is not that bad. I don't know why Haruto hyung hates him so much.
I gave him a smile and said "Hope you will find that person soon."

Rest of the journey was quite. When we reached at the peak lots of other people were also waiting for the sunrise.. When slowly the sun started to rise we all closed our and wished. I don't know about his wish but my wish was God either let me have him otherwise help me to move on..

And my dear diary ,just like that our trip came to an end. At that point I had no idea on what was going to happen in the future. Will there be a chance for me and him to turn in us?? Or will it be like I predicted, we will part our separate ways.  


Thank you everyone for reading my story. It was my first Harukyu fic and am glad that I could get this many support. Next chapter will be the last one.

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