Our First meeting

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I left my hometown Busan and came to Seoul to complete my studies. When I came to Seoul my Mom really asked me to get along with one of his friends son Hyunsyuk.

One day, Hyunsyuk hyung invited me to one of his parties and guess what our first meeting was right there at that party. He was Hyunsyuk hyung friend. To be honest, I wasn't so close with Hyung. I haven't met him much, only our parents have good relation. So, tell me how can u expect me to be close to his friend??

Before coming to Seoul, I was someone who could talk to anyone and get comfortable. But Seoul was complete new and people never really welcomed me, so eventually it changed my personality as well.

I was no longer the funny and the mood maker of the group. I learned it hard way that getting close to someone will get you nothing. People are so selfish, so I decided to distant myself.

So, now I am someone who prefers to be left out in the corner, all by myself. So being myself, I was out there on my own, not interacting with anyone . I was there because My mother threatened me to go. Otherwise, I'd never come to a place where there are these many people.!!!!

Dear Diary, I never knew that, a person whom I ignored so badly, would be the person, I will be seeking the most attention from!!


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