A shoulder to cry on

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When I woke up, I found myself between his arms. I couldn't determine whether that was really happening or was I still dreaming??? I pinched myself over and over again but he was still right beside me.  So is it a reality. When did he come back and why I didn't notice anything??? suddenly I realised we were not the only one in the room so I looked around but both Yeadm hyung and Hyungsyuk hyung were nowhere to be seen. I felt relief Thank god they were not here to see us in this situation.

When I tried to look at his face, I was reminded of yesterday event, how sad he looked. But is he alright now?? or he was still feeling the pain. Soon when I saw the teardrops that were coming from his eyes, I was sure, he was still in pain... I stopped at once when he murmured "I miss you so much Jeongwoo, please come back.."

Suddenly it was getting harder for me to breathe. Tears started to fall from my eyes as well. How much scars did this Jeongwoo left behind in his heart?? And all these years he was dealing with all those pain just by himself. I wanted to do something but I wasn't sure what I could do to remove those scars. The more I was thinking about his pain the more harder it was getting for me to stop crying. I didn't wanted to show him that I was crying so, I tried to free myself but suddenly Haruto hyung opened his eyes.

As soon as he opened his eyes he started to panic "Junkyu what happened? why are you crying?" Are you alright??

When he asked me all those question It suddenly made me angry. He was the one suffering from heartbreak and still as soon as he opened his eyes, he was all worried for me. I didn't realise but I just said every single word out loud to haruto hyung..

He blinked his eyes from confusion. Slowly he moved his one hand to wipe my tears "Junkyu if you are crying because you think I am hurt, or feeling pain,  then you don't need to". I know how to handle my emotions well, so you don't have to be worried ok??? So stop crying .

I don't know how I got that courage but I took both of his hands in mine and looked straight into his eyes, "Hyung I just wish to be someone to whom you can cry your heart out to". I know you are strong enough to handle all your emotions" All these years even without me you were able to do that". But still I just wish one day you will trust me so much that you will share all those painful memories with me. And I promise you Hyung, that day I will listen to your story without judging you ok .

Suddenly Haruto hyung pulled me for a hug. I felt something cold running on my neck. I guess it were his teardrops. I wanted to say something but nothing came out of my mouth. I don't know how long we stayed like that but when as soon as he pulled away he smiled at me and said... "Thank you Junkyu for saying those things. "Hyung will always keep it in mind that, now I have a shoulder to cry on".. 

My precious dairy, when he said those thing I felt a emotion that I had never felt before... it was a feeling of being trusted by someone, it was a feeling of being able to do something for someone. I felt as if somehow today I got little bit more closer to him. Maybe not romantically but at least my shoulders became a place for him to cry on ..


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