bad start of my journey

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My life started to change, when Hyunsyuk hyung suggested my mother to change my University to his. Although I haven't met him much, but I got a got feeling that he is a good person. So, I thought maybe changing my university wouldn't be that bad. As I expected, hyung really took care of  me after changing my Uni.

The more I got along with them, I felt as if I was in a complete different world. Along with them or let's say due to someone I realized  that not every human being are selfish.

Now let me tell you how did this special person stole my heart


I don't remember the date but It was my first day at new University. Although I refused, hyung insisted on picking me up. So yeah that's how I ended up meeting with that special person for the second time.

On the front seat were hyung and his boyfriend Yedam. So, at the back it was him and me. When our eyes met, I felt like I had seen him somewhere, but where exactly I don't remember. Thus, I didn't even bother to pay any attention to him.Afterall, he really didn't mean that much to me during that time. How Stupid of me..

Hyung had something to do so he asked him to show me around the university. I was feeling awkward but do I have any other choice?? So I ended u following him everywhere he took me,

To my surprise, hr sure did top job at showing me around!! He took me Library, school café and many other places. On our way, he kept on talking, as if he has no intention of stopping at all. Finally after good 30 minutes of tour, we were in-front of my class. His duty was to show me around but even after entering the class he made sure that I was comfortable with the environment before leaving me with a sweet goodbye. I was such a fool to not notice anything. I didn't even said thank you. How can I be so rude to him.

After that moment, I started to meet him whenever hyung used to pick me up. The distance from my place to University was just 15 minutes drive (which wasn't that much at that time), so I rarely got to know him. It was so strange for me, how he kept on saying positive things to me like be more open and talk more. All I used to think at that moment was, can this person just not stop talking.

Oh My God, did I really behave that way??

Sometime, I can't believe my own actions!!!

If only I was aware of the future, I definitely would've made every single count to get to know him better..

Some scientists out there... please invent a time machine as soon possible.. I think many of us are in need of it...


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