He figured me out

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I still remember the date, "January 19 Saturday 2020"

A date when things started to change and maybe I got to know him a little more....

It was the day hyung invited me to his place for a dinner. I don't know why, but I went to his place as soon as I was done with my classes. Thank god I did!!! Because that was the day, I got a little closer to him.

When I reached his place, instead of Hyung he opened the door for me. I was really surprised to see him, More than anything, it's been almost a month since I've met this person, and yet, I had no clue that he was living with Hyung.

For a few minute I was confused, did I rang the wrong house???? But then he said "oh!! you are here with a bright smile, which got me breathless right there at that moment.

He was on his casual looks, black hoodie and shorts, how come someone look that handsome in those simple pair of clothes...There was only one thing going on my mind, How come I never paid attention to that handsome face.

After entering the house he asked me to sit on a couch. It was kind of awkward but I sat quietly. After few minutes, he brought me some juice and sat next to me. At that moment, I felt really awkward. A person who I met a month ago, someone whose name was still unknown to me, was currently sitting right beside me. And that handsome face of his, it was definitely not helping at all. I just hoped, I wasn't blushing at that time, otherwise God knows how embarrassing it could be.

Sorry diary, but I am not someone who would start a conversation. So yeah, it was pin drop silence, almost as if like we were in the Library. Maybe it was too much for him that's why he started the conversation, "Hyunsyuk just went to get all the groceries for dinner. He will be back in half an hour maybe? will that be fine ??"

My eyes grew bigger, "half an hour with this stranger, alone in this room ??" I didn't know what to say..

As if he could read my mind, he started to laugh,  "so cute"

Did he just called me cute ?? I puzzled for a moment.. clearly I'm a guy??? But then again Instead of getting angry, why was I blushing??? Is this because I'm alone with his?? After some time when I calmed myself down I asked him "what do you mean by cute???"

"With that round eyes not just me but everyone will call you cute. And why are surprised with the information??" wait are you feeling awkward to be alone with me ???

Wish I  could say the truth, but definitely it was not the case. While avoiding his gaze, I replied, "No why would I be."

Once again he flashed that million dollar smile, "that's good to hear.. But Wow I can't believe we have-not even introduced ourselves till the date". So shall we.. I will go first,  "I am Watanabe Haruto, 24 years old, studying bachelor of accounting 3rd year- What about you???

I felt the embarrassment too!! After all it's been a month since we last met and still we were like stranger, so I also introduced myself as well. Hello I am Kim Junkyu, 21 years doing bachelor of accounting 1st year.

Almost at the same time, we both replied with a same surprise look on our face "Wait so both of us are doing the same major??"

"It seems, we will have lots of things to talk about in the future". Once again he gave that sweet smile, he really needs to stop doing that or else, I can't take my eyes off of him.

Slowly he started to ask me questions and I was answering them one by one. Soon I Don't know how but I started to get comfortable as well. I even started to ask some questions back to him.

That day I realized he really is someone who is admirable. He had such a bright personality, he could make someone like me comfortable to share my personal things in just one hour. He was so funny that sometime it was getting hard for me to control my laugh. He was telling all the funny history of Hyunsyuk hyung and I was a laughing mess.

But jokes apart, suddenly at one point he looked into my eyes and replied "Junkyu is that your genuine smile or are you just forcing it out??"

That question was so random and I didn't know how to answer, So I avoided his eyes and just remained quiet!!

Thank God Hyunsyuk Hyung came back at that exact moment, otherwise I really was dumbfounded over there *-*

On my way back, the same question was still bugging my mind "Junkyu is that your genuine smile or are you just forcing it out??"

Finally after giving it a good thought my answer would be "Mr. Watanabe Haruto, Today it was my genuine smile after such long time!! And thank you so much for that *--*

Diary I find it very strange, "was I that obvious with my fake smile "??? I though I was doing a Top job. Can you tell me diary did he really figured out the secret behind my fake smiles???

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