The Hangover (Larry Stylinson)

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Hi! This is my first one shot fanfic so its probably gonna be supper bad but I hope it turns out ok in the end. I started writing this before Zayn left so he is still in the story just not as much as the other boys.


When I woke up I had the worst headache I've ever had. I could feel my heart pounding in my head. I knew this only meant one thing. I was hungover.

I tried to roll over on my side to see what time it was but something stopped me. Their were arms rapped around me and someone body's small feet were entangled with mine. I slowly turned around and opened my eyes, not knowing what to expect since I couldn't remember anything that happened last night. When I opened my eyes I was met with the site of feathery caramel hair.

I realized who had their arms around me. It was the person who always took care of me, it was the person who kissed my forehead and wiped my tears when I was sad, it was the person that I loved so dearly it truly hurt. It was my best friend, Louis Tomlinson.

Now don't get me wrong we cuddled all the time. When we use to live in the same house we would sleep together every night. But this time it felt different. Before I could put anymore thought into it my stomach made a noise that did not sound good. I knew what that meant. I quickly got out of Louis's arms, almost fall out of the bed. He groaned softly and made grabby arms for me but I didn't have time to admire how cute he was cause my insides were about to be outside. I ran to the bathroom as fast as I could.

I threw up for at least 5 mins straight. Wow how much did I drink last night I said to myself. I decided that I needed a shower so I went back to the room where Lou was sleeping to grab a towel. The first thing I noticed when I walked in was how cute Louis looked in his sleep. He had his face burred into the pillow and his hair was sticking out all over the place.

The next thing I noticed was that he was completely naked. Like no boxers or anything. I blushed a bit and looked down. That's when I realized that I was naked too.

As close as Lou and I were we had never slept naked together. We must just have been really hot last night and took off our clothes. It wasn't like he would ever have sex with me. I mean he was one of the straightest people I knew. It was sad knowing that I was helplessly in love with my best friend who happened to be straight as a board. When I went into the bathroom I noticed that my lips were swollen and bitten and my hair was more messed up then normal. It looked like I had just had sex. Oh god, what if we did have sex. Holy shit I wasn't sure if this was good or bad. I shook my head. I really needed a shower.


I woke up with a slight headache. I knew I had drunken a little too much last night considering I normally wasn't hungover at all. My neck really hurt. I reached up to try and rub away some of the stiffness but I couldn't move my arms.

"AAAAAAHAHHHHHHHHAAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAH" I yelled at the top of my lounges. "SOMEONE CUT MY ARMS OFF!!!" I tried to breath but when I did I got the smell of cereal. NOOOOO HOW AM I GONNA EAT FOOD NOW I thought to myself almost crying now.

I didn't want to open my eyes in case I could see the stumps where my arms use to he. I knew I had to, so I slowly open them and looked down. Their was no studs where my arms should be. My arms where still attached to my body. I let out a breath I didn't know I had been holding. Thank god I could still eat my food. Wait, then why couldn't I move my hands.

I looked down again and saw that I was in a chair. Well that would explain the stiff neck, but didn't explain why I could move. Then I saw a white rope wrapped around my stomach. Oh well that good, I thought to myself. At least I can still eat.

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