Chapter 26

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I had so much fun with the siblings on New Year's eve. We went to the jermyn street.

I enjoyed my holiday in London.
I loved this place so much because of Sherlock Holmes.


The Palace of Westminster is a fantastic place to visit. The architecture is stunning and I felt priviledged to be visiting a place which has played such a prominent role in our history and is equally important in the present.

I visited both the House of Commons and the House of Lords.

I Love the magnificent building and, of course, the big ben which is right beside.

I was such a tourist but they loved it when I was happy.

6.25 pm...

We visited Trafalgar Square and it was such a nice place to sit down and relax.
We were sitting in the Middle of Trafalgar Square between two lions looking at Big Ben.

Char asked me, "So are you dating him?" "Yes." Andrew suddenly said, I was about to say 'yes' but he said it first.

Alfie smiled on me and I smiled back on him. He had a starbucks cup in his hand.

Alfie tapped my legs, "Look at the view! It's so beautiful! Isn't it?" I loved the view so much and I said, "Oh, Yes! I love this city so much!" I smiled.

I remember this place when my parents and I were sitting in Trafalgar Square listening to Carol singers, it was 2 days earlier before Christmas.

They were so many people in Trafalgar Square waiting for the fireworks on New Year's Eve.


I sent a message to my dad,
"Dad, I'm in Trafalgar Square. Come here with mom, okay?"

"We're on our way, Jess!"

Andrew pulled out his phone and he was standing in front of me, "Jessica, Alfie and Char, Look at the camera! I'm going to take a picture of you!" He said.

I saved his seat, I put my bag there. What if strangers would sit beside me?

"1... 2... 3..." The flash was on and I closed my eyes when I saw the picture.

"One more, Andrew!" I said.

"1... 2... 3... CHEESE!"

"Let me see!" Alfie said and walked to Andrew.

"No! I know you're good at taking pictures! Go back to your seat or someone will take your seat!" Andrew was so cute with his brother, Alfie.
But, he is the youngest and he is such a true growing up person I know.

I was very hungry and I looked at Char then whispered her, "I'm hungry.".
Then, Char pulled out a bread of her bag and she gave me, "Eat this! I know this is not too much. I'm not hungry and this is for you, Jessie!" I nodded and said, "Okay, thank you so much!" Then she smiled.


My parents haven't came in yet and I was in panic again.
What if they had a car crash?
I hope they're alright. No! No!
Be positive, Jessie!

I sent a message again to my dad.

"Where are you?"

My dad didn't answer the message.

A few minutes later, I checked my phone and my dad still didn't answer the message.

I closed my eyes and then Andrew embraced me, "What's going on?" he whispered me. I opened my eyes and I said, "My parents! They want to come here to celebrate the new year with us! I'm panic!" I bite my lip because I was so panic and then he said, "They're alright! Stop being negative, love. Trust me!" Then I nodded.

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