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Authors note:
This is my first HP FF, the main character is in Gryffindor with the twins and in the same year as them. Sorry if thats not your house it just makes things a lot easier. I will try and upload as often as i can, providing the story takes off and gets a few reads. Anyway, here we go!

After a split second of darkness, home enveloped me. Not home as in your house where you grew up in, home as in belonging. The wizarding world materialised before my eyes after I emerged through the barrier to Platform 9 & 3/4.

Smoke billowed in huge spirals towards the sky, the source being the Hogwarts Express, here to take me to my fourth year at Hogwarts. Families stood hugging goodbye to their children, tears and laughter a key presence. Owls were soaring above me, as I turned to my brother and sister with a grin on my face.

Jerry shifted uncomfortably, although he relaxed once I threw my arms around him. "Don't miss me too much." I giggled at him as he smirked.

"I'll try not to, although I won't miss you raiding the cupboards trying to find my hidden snacks!" He shot back, easing slightly.

"Hey!" I dragged out my protest with a pout on my face as Jerry pulled me in for another hug.

"Yeah come on J, you know she gets 'snacky' when she's been trying to practise quidditch in the garden." My sister, Charlotte, chimed in at my defence with a wide smile on her face.

Jerry chuckled again and gave us a tight hug. "I'll see you both soon, take care of each other and don't forget to write to me every week. I'll see you in the holidays." He whispered to us both, keeping a soft smile on his face. Charlotte and I took ahold of our trolleys and started to load our trunks and supplies onto the train.

"OI! MEI!" Two voices shouted at me in unison and I whipped my head around to be attacked by tall, red headed twins giving me a hug. "Long time no see, Mei Arvia Ellis." One of the identical twins, George, smirked at me while I scowled back.

"I regret telling you my middle name Georgie." I muttered, unable to keep the grin off my face.

"You didn't write to me or George." A second voice rang in my ears and gently I made contact with deep brown eyes with specs of gold in.

"We were all a bit held up, I didn't do it on purpose. I'll explain it to you on the train?" I asked him with a hopeful edge to my voice. His eyes softened and he gave in to my charming way with words.

"Uh, I'm going to find my friends on the train, catch up and what not. Mei, find me later before we arrive ok?" Charlotte, who I forgot was stood next to me, gave my arm a squeeze and muttered the sentence to me so no one else could hear. I smiled gratefully and she ran up the stairs and into a compartment further down the hallway.

"Come on then boys, time to get this show on the road!" I clapped my hands and rubbed them together, a glint in my eye as a grin grew across my face. "Don't you mean train tracks?" George returned, causing the three of us to laugh as we found our usual compartment and got comfy.

We started to immediately discuss our plans for the start of year grand prank, but all the while, Fred's eyes never left mine. After the city scene melted into green countryside, I nodded at him and slipped out of the compartment, with Fred following swiftly behind me. I swallowed before taking a breath. I wasn't looking forward to this.

We stood out in the corridor of the train, opposite each other. I fiddled with my hands, unsure of how to explain myself. Lost in my thoughts, Fred's soft voice brought me back to the present. "So... how come you didn't write to me? Did you not get my letters?" His voice was trembling, and it hurt to know my absence made him so nervous. "I- I was away with my mother, Jerry and Charlotte. They were worried about our safety, things are feeling different and even mum and Jerry can tell, and they're muggles! And when I mentioned writing to check up on you, mum freaked out. She said we couldn't trust anyone except each other. Of course I was fuming, tried to send you a letter using Riggy but she found out and locked him in his cage."

Fred's eyes widened, taking in what I managed to splutter out. He stayed silent, so I carried on. Getting this off my chest, especially to my best friend made my shoulders feel so much lighter. "She took my owl! Poor Riggy barely got a chance to stretch his wings. So I tried to send you and George another letter using Charlotte's owl, Connie, but Connie refused to take it. I didn't know what else to do or how to reach out to you. I'm sorry."

My voice broke on the last word, I kept my head down shamefully, looking at my feet. Fred put his hand on my shoulder, making me look up at him, towering over me after his recent growth spurt and he abruptly pulled me into a hug. I melted into him, a few tears rolling down my cheek.

He pulled back and wiped them off my face. "I'm sorry I was so sharp about it, I should have thought about you and your family. I was just worried that you had decided you didn't want to be concerned with us anymore." He shrugged with the last sentence, yet I knew it took a lot out of him to say that. My heart stirred at how my two best friends cared for me so much, and how in particular Fred Weasley had taken my 2 month silence. It must have bothered him, after all we were the closest. Yes, thats all. Just best friends.

A scowl landed on my face at that thought and Fred looked at me, his own expression sad. "Mei?" As he said my name I looked back into his familiar brown eyes, my eyes dotting over his freckled nose, and I just shook my head. "Sorry Weasley, you're stuck with me." I half laughed, more tears making their way to stain my shirt. I sank back into his arms, listening to his chest beat heavily under my head and I closed my eyes. His voice vibrated as he spoke with his chin resting on my head. "Come on, you better change into your robes and then we can get back to announcing our presence at the feast. How else is the entire school going to know that Weasley, Weasley and Ellis are back for their fourth year of pranks and mischief?"

He laughed lightly, and I leaned back to look at him. He nodded at me, and I left to the toilet to change into my worn red, gold and black robes. With a smile, I looked into the mirror and chanted "Fourth year, let's go!"

Our Time Together ( Fred Weasley love story )Where stories live. Discover now