Gred & Forge

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As usual, my summer was spent travelling with my family. I had been prohibited from sending letters to Fred and George, and I knew they would be perplexed as to why I was off the radar. Fred knew about my family situation, but I wasn't sure as to whether he had told George or not.

Mum had allowed me to send them a few letters, and from what I heard Mr Weasley had won the wizarding lottery and had taken the whole family to Egypt to visit Bill.

I felt isolated from my friends the whole summer, but Jerry and Charlotte made sure we all had a good time, even if we were constantly on the move.

Mum seemed to be even more paranoid than normal this summer, never letting us stay in one place for longer than a week. She gave us no reason as to why. I was exhausted, but finally, September the 1st would be here tomorrow, and I could go back to my life.

Since we had been all over the world this summer, we had to go to Diagon Alley to buy school supplies for Charlotte and I. We went the muggle way, of course, as neither Mum or Jerry were magical.

We walked into a pub with no signs, with just a black post hanging outside the windows. The owner, Tom, saw us and smiled, opening a door on the other side to allow us into the Wizarding World.

As we entered onto the street, a busy hubbub surrounded us. Children were running away from their parents, shops were booming and the alleys were bustling with wizards and witches of all sorts, as well as muggles who were there with their magical children.

We were walking to Flourish and Blotts to buy our books when mum stopped dead in her tracks. She looked at Jerry, fear displayed in her wide eyes, and gave her a swift nod in understanding. He gave us both a push into the book shop before we could see what Mum was staring at.

Mum then walked in to join us, shaking slightly as she hurried us up. We had purchased our books, it turned out I didn't need to buy any this year as I had Charlotte's old copy of The Standard Book Of Spells, Grade 5 and it didn't seem I was required to have anything else.

Jerry gave me a wink and passed me a new and updated book on Quidditch plays and brooms. "I'll get you this" he whispered to me as soon as mum had turned her back. I grinned at him, giving him a short hug and a kiss on the cheek. "You know me so well J".

Once we had wrapped up our business in the book shop, we made our way to the door to leave when a large group of red heads walked in. Two pairs of familiar brown eyes found me and lit up. "Mei!" They both boomed, striding over to give me a hug. They lifted me off my feet, and Jerry gave a small cough so they both set me back down on the floor.

"So" Jerry said to them, raising his eyebrows at my two best friends. "You must be the twins." Fred and George looked at each other, before turning back to face Jerry with identical smiles plastered on their faces. "Yup, that's us. I'm Gred" one of them stated "and I'm Forge" the other finished.

I rolled my eyes at them, as Jerry looked knowingly at them. "Ah, Fred and George I presume" the twins looked proud, but one of their smiles faltered as Jerry continued to speak. "I can't tell you two apart, so which of you is Fred, the boyfriend of my baby sister?"

Fred's smile dropped completely and he squirmed uncomfortably, and my mother took this opportunity to walk over and join us. "Boyfriend?" She questioned me, scolding me with her eyes. "Erm, yeah." I walked to stand beside Fred. "This is Fred, my boyfriend?" I said hesitantly to my mum and Jerry.


After a long day of rushing around Diagon Alley, buying new robes from Madam Malkin's, new gloves for Quidditch and Potions supplies from the Apothecary, we finally headed back to our hotel.

I was surprised mum had let me go off with the twins for a while, but she must have seen how much I had missed them. Both her and Jerry did seem to take my relationship with Fred well, although Jerry didn't let him know that. He decided to go 'big brother' on him for me, and Fred looked like he was going to be sick the whole time Jerry interrogated him.

I finally managed to drag the twins to Florean Fortescue's Ice Cream Parlour, away from my family. We spent a few hours wandering around the shops, the boys telling me every detail of their holiday and showing me a newspaper clipping of them in front of a gigantic pyramid.

Soon enough, mum found me again and announced we had to be going. I wasn't angry though, because finally I would be going back to school the next day.

The next morning, we awoke in our hotel room in the south of London. Our trunks were packed, and Jerry had us up for breakfast, telling us we had an hour before we had to leave to get to the platform.

Mum had gone, but left us a note telling us how proud of us she was, and that were were to stay safe and out of trouble this year. I had a feeling that part was for me rather than for both of us.

Before we knew it, it was time to go. We checked out of the hotel and got the underground, stepping out and walking to the platforms 9 and 10.

Jerry stopped us, and gave us both a hug. "Fifth year and sixth year already. You've both grown up so fast, both have boyfriends and you won't need me so much anymore". He seemed a little sad, so Charlotte and I hugged him tighter, assuring him we would always need him and that he was the best brother ever.

He reluctantly let us go, watching us ram into the barrier and disappear. We broke through the other side, the Hogwarts Express coming into view. Charlotte told me she was going to find Dylan, and after spotting him, she walked off towards a tall boy with brown hair and striking features.

I was scanning the crowds for my best friends when I felt two hands on me, one on each shoulder. I jumped, startled, then turned around at the sound of laughter.

"It's been a while Ellis" Fred said with a cheeky grin, and George followed on. "Yeah, we haven't seen you in ages!" He chuckled. "I saw you both yesterday you idiots" I slapped them both on the arm, just as Mrs Weasley walked over.

"Hello Mei, how are you dear?" She gave me a warm smile and drew me into a bone crushing hug. "I've been well, Mrs Weasley" I breathed, struggling to talk in her arms. "I told you dear, call me Molly" she jokingly fussed, pulling away and patting my hair down flat. She dusted my shoulders off, adjusted my jumper, and told us all to get our trunks on and board the train.

We bid her goodbye, all of us promising to write to her. The conductor stashed my trunk away, and I felt a sharp elbow in my back. I whipped my head around, and a pug faced girl with a shrill voice gave me a dirty look. "Out of my way Mudblood" she sneered, earning snickers from her equally illiterate minions.

I rolled my eyes at her, muttering "little cow" loud enough for her to hear as I shoved past her to get onto the train. I heard her swear at me as I walked up the steps, but just laughed and pushed open the glass door to our compartment.

The boys followed me, sprawling their long legs  across the seats. I placed my head onto Fred shoulder and he wrapped his arm around me, pulling me closer to him.

"I hope this year is more exciting" I sighed, and looked up to see the twins give each other a grin. "Oh don't worry Ellis" Fred said. "We can sort that out for you" George finished, still sharing a wicked smirk between them.

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