Boxing Games

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After our discussion over the flying Ford Anglia, and my excitement had died down, we walked out through the doors to enjoy our free day off. I was chattering to the twins, not paying attention when I lightly bumped into someone stood in the way in the middle of the corridor. "Oops I'm sorry" I started to say, but when I looked down and realised who was in front of me, I stopped talking.

Before I had a chance to open my mouth, an angry Draco Malfoy stood in front of me, acting as if I had just slapped him across the face. "How dare you? You filthy mudblood! Can't believe she even touched me boys" he drawled, looking back at his goons, Crabbe and Goyle. "I'm gonna have to burn these clothes now, they're ruined" he spat out at me, giving me a dirty look. I just laughed, unable to contain myself at this small boy's anger over such a petty occurrence.

"Oh do calm down Draco" I smirked as Fred and George took a closer step behind me to back me up, laughing raucously. "What are you laughing at, Weasels? If I was friends with a dirty mudblood like her" he jabbed his finger at me "I wouldn't be laughing. Mudbloods and blood traitors don't deserve to be in my sight" he ended his sentence, amused at his own wit. I narrowed my eyes at him. Anyone could say anything about me and my background, I never cared enough to give them the satisfaction, but he belittled my best friends. That was not on. "Oh yes I'm a mudblood, but you see Malfoy, the thing about us mudbloods is growing up we enjoy muggle games. Video games in particular." Everyone stared at me as if I had gone mad, but I continued, excited to try out my own hex. "My personal favourites are boxing video games". Muggleborns had all turned to look at me as well, a smile on their face as they caught on to what I was referencing. Without any longer hesitation, I drew out my wand and with a bored voice stated "Rallium Secto!" and waved my wrist in a spiral, then giving it a push. Two huge red boxing gloves appeared close to the tip of my wand, waving in front of Malfoy's face. He looked at them confused, then back at me to start laughing. "How impressive, Ellis, you managed to conjure some gloves" he laughed rudely, encouraging his Slytherin entourage to do the same. I just smiled sweetly before giving my wand a flick. The gloves started dancing around Malfoy's face, tapping him on the nose and the back of the head as he attempted to hit them away. He decided to take out his wand to hex me back, but I simply gave my wand a right flick, two left flicks, and upward flick and a point, and the attack started. The gloves started punching Malfoy, jabbing and hooking him until he ran away, humiliated.

I started doubling up with laughter, as did the twins and the trio further behind us. Fred looked at me with admiration clear across his handsome face. "Blimey? What kind of hex was that?" He asked me, awestruck. "Yeah Mei, I've never heard that one before" Hermione chimed, suspicion displayed on her features. "Neither!" Added George, Ron and Harry. They were all looking at me intently, but I just shrugged. "Just kind of created it".

"Wow" the twins broke the silence, then when I smiled and chuckled, they looked at each other and moved in front of me. "PAVE THE WAY FOR HEX CREATOR" George yelled to the crowd of students blocking our way. "YEAH DANGEROUS HEXER COMING THROUGH" Fred shouted as he winked at me and pushed me through the parted gap back towards the common room.

A bit of a short chapter as it's just a filler. Please vote on this story, and tell me what you think of it so far!

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