Tryouts P2

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"Alright guys, I want to see you do the same drill Fred and Andrew did. Stop the bludgers from hitting me and Harry!" Wood shouted as he eyed Conor warily. He knew what Hannel's temper was like.

Conor had now bared his teeth, his wide face contorted with expressions of anger and determination. All together it made for a very unsettling look. Oliver whistled and the bludgers came hurtling over the two beaters and headed straight for Wood and Harry.

The captain and seeker remained where they were as George, as quickly as his twin did, closed in on the bludger and pulled to the side of it. He still flew with as much speed as his Cleansweep would allow him, before raising his bat and hitting it with as much force as he could muster. The black ball changed direction, now directing its path the opposite way to Wood.

Hannel was trailing behind, his flying was overshadowed by his clear anger that radiated from him in waves. He tried to push his broom to go faster, but his delay in realising the bludger was on its way to Harry meant he was a great deal away from it. He almost made it, but didn't manage to swing in time to hit the bludger.

His club connected with Harry's shoulder with a loud crack. On top of that, the bludger had collided with Harry's ribs, but being a fake, it just bounced off him and flew off. He slumped over his broom as Conor landed on the grass with a thump and smashed his broom on the ground.

He started to kick the floor, stomping on his broom and shouting at me and the rest of the chasers. Wood flew down, supporting Harry with George on the other side of him. "Fred and George, take Harry to Madam Pomfrey, she'll fix him up. I think he has broken his collarbone." The twins nodded and guided Harry back into the castle, careful not to touch his shoulder.

Wood turned to a red faced Conor. "There's no way you are making the team. First team or reserve." His harsh tone and result struck a nerve in Hannel, who stood up off the grass and walked over to Oliver, squaring his shoulders.

"That wasn't my fault! Potter could have easily moved out the way but he didn't because he wanted me to fail! Can't you see? He just wants his precious Weasleys to make the team instead of me. If he hadn't sabotaged me, I'd have hit that bloody bludger miles away!" He was screaming in Oliver's face, but Wood maintained his composure and looked at him with cold eyes.

"Leave." He dismissed Hannel with a wave of his hand, but Conor was determined to get the last word.

"Your loss" he spat. "Don't come crawling back to me, crying your eyes out when you're losing and begging me to play". He stormed off, swearing at Wood as Oliver just laughed at him.

"Moving on! Chasers, you're up!" He split us into groups similar to how he did with the beaters. There were three chasers on the team, so he sorted us into groups of three. Luckily, I was paired with Angelina and Katie, who I played really well with.

Angelina and I made the team last year and the year before, but in second year, Katie hadn't realised her passion for Quidditch yet and third year, she only made it as a reserve. I hoped this year would be hers as well as mine.

The chemistry the three of us had was scarily good, we seemed to read each others mind and always knew where the others would move to. This made our plays spectacular.

We were group 2. There were two other groups of three, group 1 with Riley Tanner (third year), Evan Collins (sixth year) and Michelle Carter (fourth year). The remaining group was Jake Girgis (fifth year), Hannah Dawson (third year) and Ria Jacobs (third year). They were group 3.

"Okay, so I want to see you fly with the quaffle, passing with your group, your knowledge of plays so I can see how you would move to defend opposing chasers, and to finish it off, some shots on goal. Group one, lets see it!". Riley, Evan and Michelle flew off to meet Oliver opposite the three large goal rings.

The exercises seemed easy enough, but I wasn't going to get ahead of myself. I was itching to take my new broom to the skies, but instead I focused on the first group and their abilities.

Riley was a fair flyer, but blanked her teammates when they called for her to pass. Teamwork was important with your fellow chasers, so quaffle hogging was an issue. I looked over to see Wood shaking his head at her independent effort as she wound up to shoot and missed.

Their plays weren't the best either, and I could see Michelle and Evan start to get frustrated. After 15 minutes of their attempts at planned tactics, it was clear their team play was a shambles and individually they weren't the best.

Wood called for a switch in groups, so the three of us nodded at each other before kicking off. The feeling on my new Nimbus was sublime. I was gliding smoothly through the air at a ridiculous speed, but the control it gave me was second to none.

Angelina and Katie saw the speed I was flying at, and Katie threw me the quaffle and shouted "PORSKOFF!"

The Porskoff Ploy was a tactic in which one of the chasers flies upwards with the quaffle in hand. This normally means the opposing chasers follow upwards, and when they do, you throw the quaffle to one of your unguarded team mates who then takes a shot.

I pulled my broom up, zooming upwards with a firm grip on the quaffle. Katie and Angelina had started towards the hoops, so I tossed the ball straight into Katie's arms. She was opposite the middle ring so she then passed the quaffle to Angelina who was diagonal to her.

Angelina caught it with ease, shooting the quaffle into the left ring. Wood clapped, encouraging us to continue. We performed the Woollongong Shimmy and the Hawkshead Attacking Formation, all three of us handling the quaffle well and scoring.

We landed back on the ground as Wood looked between us, clearly impressed. He called up the final group to try, but we were to excited to watch them.

We ran to each other and hugged between the three of us. "We better make it after that brilliant flying!" Angelina squealed and we all nodded in agreement. I felt a tap on my shoulder and I turned to see a smiling Fred.

I hugged him tightly, my adrenaline pumping. "I saw all that! You had no reason to be worried, you were amazing!" He exclaimed with a wide grin. He seemed as excited as me, and I just pulled him into a hug before looking into his eyes. "I'm so lucky to have you" I stated, before he laughed and pressed his lips to mine gently.

"Oh, and you better let me have a go on your broom, after all, sharing is caring" he smirked at me as I pushed his arm and the final group landed on the ground.

He leaned down to me and whispered "they were good, but nothing compared to your group. And absolutely nothing on you" he straightened up, still standing close to me and I could tell his mouth was holding his famous grin. I felt my face heat up and knew there was a pink tinge spreading across my cheeks.

"Well guys, I'm impressed. I have some thinking to do, and the results will be up on Sunday night. Thanks for your time" Wood let us go, and we all headed back to the common room, laughing and pushing each other through the corridors.

Our spirits were high, and now all we had to do was wait until Sunday.

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