Never gonna let him forget this are you?

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The next morning, I woke up with a pounding headache, and I knew that everyone (besides Hermione) would be in a similar state.

I sat up in bed slowly, pressing a hand to my forehead in an attempt to stop the room from spinning.

"I did tell you last night you'd end up like this, but you didn't listen, did you. And you lost me five Galleons!" Hermione spoke from her bed, which was odd considering we didn't share a dorm.

"Please 'Mione, not so loud." I groaned in a whisper. "What do you mean I lost you money? And what am I doing in here?"

"I lost a bet. And you're in Ginny's bed because you came in here after we caught you and Fred snogging and passed out on her bed before we could move you."

Swirling memories in my mind started to piece together slowly, and my eyes almost popped out of my head when she filled in the blanks.

"Me and Fred kissed? Shit, we did, didn't we." I flopped back onto the bed, burying my face into the pillow.

Something landed beside me on the bed, and I raised my head to see a small vial of purple liquid.

"Hangover cure." Hermione explained, and I gave her a thankful smile before uncorking it and downing it in one. It tasted bitter and burnt my mouth, but the fog clouding my mind quickly cleared and I no longer felt sick.

"I'm starving." I announced, sliding off the bed and sitting up.

"Get changed and we can go to breakfast, then you might want to talk to Fred after." Hermione looked at me with an uncharacteristic smirk, and I rolled my eyes.

"Let's go then, I could kill for a waffle."

I managed to get ready quickly so Hermione and I could head to the Great Hall for breakfast, Ginny joining us as we left the common room.

I tuned out her teasing about last night, instead thinking of how to talk to Fred and deal with what happened.

The more I thought about last night, the more memories flooded back of what happened. By the time we sat down with everyone else, a faint blush had risen on my cheeks.

I grabbed the plate of waffles that had materialised in the centre of the table, locking eyes with Fred who was opposite me.

Judging by the fact that his ears turned a deep shade of crimson that rivalled our scarlet ties, he remembered the events of last night as well.

I sighed, knowing we'd have to talk about it at some point. I tore a piece of waffle, throwing it so it hit Fred in the face.

He looked up at me bewildered. "We have to talk." I mouthed, and he nodded at me before turning to whisper to George and Lee.

Soon enough, breakfast was over. We all got up to leave, and I grabbed Fred by the arm to drag him away before we had to go to our first lesson.

Ignoring the wolf whistles from Ginny and George, I pulled him into an empty classroom and seated myself on top of a table.

"I gather you remember what happened last night then." Fred broke the silence with a lopsided smirk, ruffling his hair.

"Yeah. I mean, we were drunk right, so it didn't mean anything." I lied.

His grin dropped, and he steeled his face with an unusually cold exterior before speaking.

"Yeah of course, just a drunken kiss between friends." He lied.




The month swiftly passed into December, and Professor McGonagall had called a house meeting in the Great Hall.

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