As red as your Gryffindor banner

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Harry and I made our way down the stairs with Ron and Hermione trailing behind us just as Mrs Weasley came out of the kitchen.

"Well, we'll be eating down in the kitchen." She told us, her face stretched into her renowned motherly smile. She was cut off by Fred and George apparating right beside her, shocking her as she placed a hand over her heart in fright. "OH!" She exclaimed, throwing her hands up into the air as the twins just smirked at her and laughed.

"JUST BECAUSE YOU'RE ALLOWED TO USE MAGIC NOW DOES NOT MEAN YOU HAVE TO WHIP YOUR WANDS OUT FOR EVERYTHING!" She gave George a slap on the arm as the two turned away from their mother and went into the kitchen. She carried on shouting at them as she pointed a menacing finger in the direction they disappeared, only stopping when Harry was in front of her.

"You hungry Harry?" Mrs Weasley approached Harry with a smile as Arthur appeared behind her, the former oblivious to Ron slinking past her with a scared expression.

"You sure you're alright Harry? Gave us quite a turn." Mr Weasley pressed to see if Harry was okay, and the boy gave him a small smile in response.

"Harry Potter." Dad greeted him dramatically as he walked up to him, and I moved past them to stand next to Remus as he leant against the doorframe with a wide smile stretched in contrast to his scars.

"Sirius." Harry's eyes lit up as he embraced his father for all purposes. The two hugged as everyone else filtered into the kitchen.

All of us settled at the table for dinner, and I was in between Remus and Fred, making it slightly uncomfortable as tensions started to rise when Harry asked more about the Order. I tried my best to focus on my dinner and stay out of the heated conversation, knowing it wasn't my place to start talking about the Prophecy.

Fred gave my shoulder a nudge after realising how quiet I had been and I tore my eyes away from my plate to give him a stressed smile. He didn't say anything, instead just placing his hand on my thigh in a show of comfort.

Remus stopped talking, backing out of the conversation as dad, Harry and Molly continued to butt heads. My godfather's eyes landed on Fred and his action, glaring at him as his tired eyes narrowed. The redhead under his scrutiny gulped and averted his eyes, suddenly finding the prongs of his fork highly interesting.

"I'm gonna head up to bed." I leaned closer slightly to Remus to let him know I wanted to get out of this situation, and his eyes filled with understanding. He gave me a nod as I stood up and pushed my chair away from me.

I walked out of the kitchen without another word, although no one else seemed to notice my exit. As soon as I stepped out of the door I apparated to my room, too drained to even walk up the staircase.

I sighed as I collapsed onto my bed, not even bothering to change out of my clothes. My eyes fluttered closed as my mind began to darken around the edges, but I was snapped back to my senses as an obnoxious crack echoed and Fred clambered onto my bed.

"You okay?" He asked simply, reaching out a hand to push some hair away from my face.

"I think you know that answer to that Freddie." I exhaled shakily, anxiety still clawing it's way through my insides and up my throat.

"I'm just so worried. Harry could be expelled and if he left Hogwarts there's no telling how safe he would be, especially now that You-Know-Who is back." I sat up against my headboard, reaching over to my bedside table with a shaky hand to withdraw a ziplock bag containing the plant Jerry had supplied me with.

"He'll be okay, this is Harry Potter we're talking about. He gets away with pretty much anything." Fred replied, tracing patterns on my leg with his finger as I dropped the ground weed onto a paper and started to roll it.

I shook my head. "The Ministry are looking for any reason to keep him quiet, they don't want to admit that He's really back. Fudge is scared out of his mind." I passed the joint to Fred, placing it between his lips as I used my wand to light the end.

He closed his eyes as he inhaled, holding it for a second and then letting the thick smoke drift in front of his face with a small smile. I pecked his lips before stealing the joint from his fingers, leaning against his chest as I inhaled. The smoke washed down my throat, letting me relax as the minute burn slowed my breathing.

Fred and I sat together in comfortable silence until the joint was smoked to the end. I smiled lazily, allowing my anxiety to diminish as I lay in Fred's arms.

"It's been a while since we did that, huh." Fred mused. I turned to face him as he smiled down at me with a goofy grin, his eyes closing slightly. I giggled, pressing my lips to his through the smoke that clouded the air.

Loud footsteps outside my door broke us apart, and my eyes widened in fear. "Shit shit shit!" I scrambled to find my wand as I cursed, managing to catch it as it rolled off the side of my bed in my haste.

I cast an air purifying charm whilst nudging Fred to do the same so the trapped air in my room wasn't thick and pungent. I fell back into Fred's chest with a sigh as the door opened and dad poked his head in.

"What are you two up to?" He asked suspiciously, his eyes darting around the room and back to us as he awaited an answer. I saw my boyfriend's attempt at a serious expression through my peripheral vision and couldn't help but let a small laugh slip through my lips.

"N-nothing dad, we're fine." I managed to say through my stifled laughter. My giggles set Fred off, who began to chuckle as my dad looked at us as though we were mad.

"You don't look fine- Oh! Oh okay, I get it. It does still smell a bit in here, you both need to brush up on the purifying charm." Dad finally caught on, and we should have been terrified of his reaction but at that point we were too calm and full of joy and laughter to care.

"Your eyes are as red as your Gryffindor banner on the wall!" Dad allowed himself to laugh, remembering his youth spent partaking in the same activities with the Marauders. "I won't tell your mother Fred, but try to keep it down or silence your room if you two are going to be laughing your arses off for the next few hours."

Fred bobbed his head up and down at my dad, trying to nod but getting carried away. "Yes sir!" Fred smacked a hand to his forehead in a mock salute, eliciting another hearty laugh from my dad.

"Night kids. No funny business." He bid us goodnight and pointed an accusatory finger in Fred's direction. As he shut the door, Fred flicked his wand to cast a silencing spell as we burst out into laughter again, cutting off our sound.

Unbeknownst to us, my dad was stood outside the door, smiling to himself as he heard our laughter and walking away back to his and Remus' room once the noise abruptly cut off.

AN: this chapter sucks, it's so short and I'm so sorry, it's just a filler and I was completely stumped and stuck over what to write. Let's be real though, Dad-Sirius would be so chill because he was most definitely a huge stoner in his Hogwarts years. Also: Fred smoking...yes ;)
I promise the next chapter will be better, I should probably reread OOTP so I can make them the best they can be.
We've gotten past 5k reads and I'm so thankful, it makes me so happy :)
Okay bye
- L

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