Placebo Effect Experiment

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TW: panic attacks and hints of depression and anxiety.
AN: A lot of my personal experiences with panic attacks fuelled these descriptions, I wrote Mei's attacks similar to how mine happen. It's not the same experience for everyone. If anyone reading needs someone to talk to, drop me a message :) Sending all my love, especially if your having a rough day/night.

It had now been about a week since my secret meet up with the Slytherins, and their behaviour change was subtle but there if you knew them and payed attention.

That particular group hung around together more, straying from those still firmly on the Dark side such as Montague and Bletchley and they used slurs less. A few people had noticed but not much was said, certainly not enough to arouse suspicions.

Fred and George knew this was partially my doing, and they were proud. I'd sent a letter back home to dad and Remus, informing them under my scrambling charm of what I had been tasked. They both offered me valuable advice, as did Bill, Charlie and Tonks.

As it was now breakfast time, the Gryffindor table was buzzing. The reason? Quidditch trials were right after. Angelina had been made captain, we all made sure to celebrate after McGonagall told her and she relayed her exciting news back to us.

Angie wanted to hold earlier tryouts and get training earlier so we could secure the cup, and she had decided to keep the team how it had been when Wood was captain, but since he had graduated we now needed a new keeper. The whole team was needed to simulate a proper game environment.

I knew Ron was trying for keeper, as was Cormac McClaggen. He had decided that now Oliver was out of the way, he wasn't going to be stuck with reserve. The boys and I had been praying to Merlin, Morgana and all the gods above that he wouldn't make it. He was cocky and a player, with the personality of the Sahara desert.

Angelina was talking non stop about her plans for the team this year, determined for us to bring back the Quidditch Cup. I listened at to her at first, but when my head began to slip off my hand and almost into my cereal, I zoned out. Only when she stood up with determination, followed by Katie, did I catch myself up to what was happening and stand to join her.

Heads turned as one by one, those already on the team left the Gryffindor table. I followed after the new captain, Katie beside us and Fred and George flocking to our sides. Harry dragged Ron by the arm and forced his best friend to leave the Great Hall, smirking slightly as if he thought no one saw his Placebo Effect Experiment.

Three hours and one sneaky confundus charm later, tryouts were over. Ron was our new keeper. I was proud of the kid, he was sort of another little brother to me.

Training was to be held three times a week, so between studying my socks off for N.E.W.Ts, homework and helping out my new Slytherin friends, I was going to be stretched thin this year.

Stepping into the shower, I flinched at the sudden stream of cold water and quickly adjusted the hot water tap. I looked up, water flowing over my face and dripping down my chin.

Closing my eyes, I submerged myself fully under the spray of water that hit my back and eased my growing tension. The water pressure was harsh yet comforting, a way to remind me that I was there in the present.

I forced my aching limbs out of the shower, dripping now cold water onto the tile floor.

I leaned against the sink. It was cold, almost sharp against my bare stomach. I sighed, a shaky, ragged breath that hunched me forwards. I ran a hand through my wet messy hair, untangling the knots as I tried to shake the anxious feeling off.

I had managed to slip on a t shirt, one much too large for me meaning it was either dad's or Jerry's. I felt the soft material brush my thighs where it hung low, raising my towel to start drying off my hair. I stopped when the shaking in my hands became too violent.

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