Chapter one: normal girl, normal world?

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I appreciate all the views and all but please stop reading this it's poorly written and I thoroughly regret writing this
Ps. The girl above is what she would look like. She has bright green eyes too but I'm not good at drawing faces.

Bye mum, see you later!" I shout as I run out the door to school, a piece of toast dangling from my mouth.

"Be careful sweetie!" My mum screams after me, "And don't drop that toast!"

"I'll be fine mum, love you," I saw before I finally leave, crunching up the toast that dangled off my lips.


"That's two pounds twenty please," Mr. Mawlo the bus driver says in his usual monotone voice that makes me cringe.

I pass over the money and begin to make my way to the back of the bus for the journey to school.

"Hey Ayana, how was your weekend?" My best friend Sam asks me.

"Nothing interesting, kicked my brother round a bit, watched avatar the last airbender for the 100 th time, what about you?"

"Nothing interesting either, Aya. You wanna finish season two with me?"

"Sure, sure but I'm hiding as soon as Aang gets struck!" I laugh. Even thought I've watched it many times I can never bring myself to watch that part, it's too painful.

I shrug that thought off as I settle down to watch my favourite show in the world with my best friend, can't get better than this.

            **flash forward to ten minutes later**


Everyone's eyes flash up from what we're doing to look towards where the sound came from, the front of the bus.

"Mr. Mawlo are you okay?" some
kid shouts.

"My.... arm..." whimpers Mr. Mawlo.

Just then a sudden jolt occurs and the whole bus yanks sideways. Swaying from side so side I gain my balance and struggle to the front of the bus in an effort to help the injured bus driver.  But before I can say anything, I look ahead just in time to see a car. A car that we are headed straight for.

Next thing I hear, an ear defending screech and my best friend Sam screaming "Ayana!" Before I black out.

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