The deserter

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"This should give us a good idea of what's around here." Katara says as we approach a map on some kind of board.

"See if you can find a menu. I'm starving." Sokka complains after tipping the crumbs of our food bag into his mouth.

My stomach rumbles loudly.

"Yeah, I'm hungry too." I say

"I bet we'll find something to eat here." Aang rushes up to the board and points to a poster. "The fire says festival."

"Fire nation cultural exhibits, magicians, jugglers, benders. This would be a great place for me to study some real firbenders!" He says

"Yeah! Let's go!" I say to the group.

"You might wanna rethink that, look at this." Sokka says from the other side of the board

We all walk around the board and look where Sokka is pointing.

"Hey a poster of me!" Aang says excitedly. He'll be the death of me.

"A wanted poster."Sokka says "not good."

"I think we better keep moving." Katara states.

"I have to learn fire bending at some point, and this could be my only chance to watch the masters up close." Aang points out.

"He's right. Let's go to the festival!" I shout and point to the sky.

"I guess we could go check it out." Katara says.


"What? You wanna walk into a fire nation town where they're all fired up with their, yknow, fire?!" Sokka shouts

"We'll wear disguises." I say to him.

Katara nods. "And if it looks like trouble, we'll leave."

"Right. Because we always leave before we get into trouble." Sokka comments in a sarcastic voice.
We start to walk to the festival.

"Yknow, you guys really need to teach me to read your writing." I say and they all look back at me.

"You can't read?" Aang asks

" I said I can't read your writing. I can read and write my worlds writing." I explain "yours seems to be Chinese writing."

"What's a Chinese?" Sokka asks

"Never mind. Still you better teach me."

We reach the edge of a cliff and Aang turns to appa and momo.

"You guys stay out of sight here whilst we go to the festival." Aang tells them

Momo dives off appa to behind a bush and the bison lays down behind it too.

"Awwww! You're so cute appa!" I say lovingly and pet his soft fur.

"Ready disguses." Aang says.

Sokka, Katara and i put on mysterious looking cloaks whilst Aang fiddles with his outfit. He turns around and shouts 'ta da!' With his collar over his head.

"It's like you're a whole different person." Sokka comments whilst Katara and I snicker behind our hands.

"Let's go!" Aang motions and we start to walk down the steep hill.

The festival is brightly coloured and very red. Almost everyone is wearing decorative masks and laughing. Then a paper dragon puppet swishes past us with a kid holding it on a stick.

"I think we need some new disguises." Katara says as she notices everyone with masks on.

"Where are we gonna get masks like that?!" Sokka says

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