The seige of the north part one

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"Hey Katara, Aang!" I shout as I walk up the steps to Pakku's waterbending class.

"Did you see me kick his butt?"Katara motions to the boy stuck in ice.

"Nope, but it did look pretty cool." I say

Pakku gives me a weird look. "From another world." I shrug and he raises an eyebrow.

"Katara, you have advanced much more quickly than any student I've ever taught." *cough cough* I interrupt.

"Apart from you, Ayana." Pakku admits with a sigh. "Though sometimes I wish you hadn't.." he mutters

"Hey I heard that!" I say.

Pakku ignores me. "You have proven with fierce determination and hard work, you can accomplish anything." He says to Katara.
"Raw talent alone is not enough." He looks at Aang who is playing with momo and an air ball.

"Pupil Aang."

"Yes master Pakku?" Aang drops the airba and Momo lands on his head.

"Care to step into the sparring circle? I figured since you found time to play with house pets you must have already mastered waterbending." Pakku says.

"I wouldn't say mastered.. but look at this!" Aang says. He swirls the snow around and turns himself into a snowman. Momo jumps ontop of him and I laugh at Pakku and Katara's unimpressed faces.

Aang starts rolling around in the snow. "Hahahaha! Ahahahahaha!" Then all of a sudden soot falls from the sky.

Momo tries to eat the soot and coughs, causing Aang to stop rolling and look up.

"Oh no," I say "this is bad."


Water tribe villagers pound on a gong that alerts the people of the water tribe to gather. We run up some steps to the place we were in last night.

"The day we have feared for so long has arrived." The chief announces "The fire nation is on our doorstep. It is with great sadness that I call my family before me, knowing that some of these faces are about to vanish from our tribe. But they will never banish from our hearts."
"I call upon the great spirits. Spirit of the ocean! Spirit of the moon! Be with us. I'm going to need volunteers for a dangerous mission."

"Count me in." Sokka stands up.

"Sokka-" Katara tries to stop him.

"Be warned, many of you will not return. Come forward to receive my mark if you are up to the mission." The chief says as more and more men stand up.

Yue and Pakku step forwards as men line up to receive the chief's mark. Sokka steps forward and the chief draws three lines of his forehead in red face paint.


"The silence before battle is unbearable. Such a quiet dread." The chief, Katara and I walk up to Aang who is crouching on an pillar.

"I wasn't there when the firenation attacked my people. I'm gonna make a difference this time." Aang says.

"You don't have to do this alone." I tell him. "It's my job to help you." I say and hug him. I pull away and he stands up on the pillar.


Warriors line the wall of the northern water tribe, their spears at the ready. We all stand on the wall with them.

Suddenly a fireball flies towards us and crashes into the wall, causing some of the warriors to fall off. Many more lumps of boiling rock are fired our way, but there is nothing we can do to stop them.

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