Bato of the water tribe.

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"Hey look. A sword made out of a whale's tooth." Aang picks up the sword.

"Let me see that." Sokka grabs the sword off of Aang. Sokka stares at the sword for a bit.
"This is a water tribe weapon." He declares. "See if you can find anything else."

We all start rummaging in the bushes looking for anything else when Katara comes in. "What are you doing?" She asks. "Has someone lost something?"

"No we found something." I say to Katara as Sokka brushes away some leaves from an arrowhead.

"It's burned." Sokka says and moves over to a tree with scorch marks. "Watertribe warriors ambushed a group of firebenders. The firebenders fought back, but the warriors drew them down this hill."

We all rush down the hill following after Sokka. We reach a beach after climbing down some rocks.

"So then what happened?" Aang asks

"I don't know, the trail ends here." Sokka says in a saddened voice.

"Wait! Look!" Katara points towards a boat by the shore.

"It's one of our boats!" Sokka shouts. We run over towards the boat.

"Is this, dad's boat?" Katara asks Sokka.

"No. But it's from his fleet." Sokka replies, happier now. "Dad was here."

We decide to sleep near the boat as it makes Sokka happy. Me, Katara and Aang spend the rest of the day practicing waterbending, I think I'm getting pretty good at it.


We start to go to sleep around the fire, it's surprisingly cozy here. I keep one eye open as I watch Sokka just sit there glumly staring at the fire.

I remember that this is when he has a flashback, so I get up and sit next to him with a hand on his shoulder. He smiles at me gratefully. Then we hear a rustle and the sound of footsteps.

"Sokka?" The man asks.

"Bato?" Sokka asks back

Aang and katara wake up confused.

"Bato?" Katara questions.

They run up to the warrior and give him a hug.

"Sokka, Katara, it's so good to see you." Bato says to them. "You've grown so much."

"Hi I'm Aang." Twinky says to Bato.

"And I'm Ayana." We bow to him.

"Is dad here?" Katara asks

"No. He and the other warriors should be in the eastern earth kingdom by now." Bato explains to them. Sokka gets a sad face on when a wind rushes past us, making us all shiver.

"This is no place for a reunion, please, come inside." Bato puts his arms around the siblings and gestures for me and Aang to follow.


"After I was wounded your father brought me to this abbey, the sisters have cared for me ever since." The warrior explains. I'm a bit upset about being left out but understand, they haven't seen a water tribe warrior in years.

"Mother superior,these are hakoda's children, they've been travelling with the avatar and friend. "I found them by my boat."

"Young avatar, it gives me great pleasure to meet you." Mother superior bows to Aang and he bows back. "It is nice to meet you too, avatar's accompaniment." She says to me.

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