The fortune teller

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By now I have figured out that I must be soon in the episode 'the fortune teller', since just yesterday katara and sokka were sucking on frozen frogs I think Aang got them.


I wake up to being poked in the nose by the one and only sokka. "If you're gonna be with us from now on, you have to wake up before lunch time!" He exclaims.

"Woah sokka, you're telling me to wake up?  I thought you would be.. uh.. the kind of person that slept in?" I choose my words carefully, so he doesn't suspect anything. I sit up and yawn my entire face off. "I'll be out in a minute, just let me get ready." I say to him, shooing him away so I can get dressed and stuff.

Yknow something weird? When I got here I somehow magically got changed into earth kingdom clothes. I still had my phone in what used to be my back pocket but now was a bag over my shoulders.

Anyways, I get dressed and stroll outside. "Good morning Britain!" I shout, and much to my amusement they all look at me with purplexed faces. "What? In .. yu dao it's a common phrase we say."

"Strange, but ok." Aang shrugs.

I join them in there sitting-around-outside-the tent-doing-nothing-ness.

"Look!" Katara says as she spots a fish flipping in and out of the water.

"It's taunting us!" Sokka declares as I stifle a giggle and he reaches for his fishing line.

"Come here you!" He shouts, "hey, where'd the fishing line go?" He asks.

"Oh sorry sokka I didn't think you'd need it," Aang replies, holding up the bracelet he'd made. Wait bracelet? I thought it was a necklace for katara? Eh never mind.
"Agh now it's all tangled!" I hear sokka shout.
"Not tangled, woven." The monk corrects. " I made you a bracelet Ayana! I thought since you just joined us.." he trails off as I put on a confused look, but feel genuinely happy that he made it for me.

"Thanks Aang! That's really sweet of you!" I reply, as happy as I can be as I walk towards him and grasp the bracelet. "I'll put it on right now." I say, and I fiddle with it trying to get it on which is kinda hard when you only have one hand free. What can I say? I've never been much of a jewellery girl.

"So, how do I look?" I ask over to Aang as I walk to the campsite, sokka still trying to catch the stupid fish. I pull a pose and look over to Aang expectantly. 

"Great!" Katara chimes in "it looks really good on you!"

Meanwhile Aang does this weird jumpy thing and I try to hide my laugh.

"You mean all of you or just your wrist?" He asks, pulling at his collar.

"Smoochie smoochie someone's in looove" sokka teases as he holds the fish in his arm, failing to keep it there.

"I-uh.. well." Aang stutters, looking at me before katara steps forwards.

"Stop teasing them sokka, I'm sure they're just good friends, besides, they only just met." Katara says, making an excuse for me, thank god I owe you my whole freaking life.

"Yeah, only just met, can't like someone if you've only just met them," Aang says with a sad tone.

I feel bad for the small monk, but what can I do? Back home I was obsessed with Aang, in love with him even, but he's supposed to be with katara.

I stroll away from Aang with a shrug when I hear a growl. Oh right, platypus bear. I hear Aang yell that someone's being attacked by a platypus bear and I rush over, leaving my thoughts behind.

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