The Contract

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just wanted to let you guys know this is starting in 2012. Thanks for reading and I hope you enjoy. My very good friend J gave me this idea cause she wasn't sure how to write it so this is dedicated to her. Love you girl. ~ M


" I do" he said as a tear fell down his cheek. I stood up and walked out of the church not looking back. The love of my life is now legally someone else's he won't ever be mine I thought as tears spilled down my face, and my heart shattering in a million pieces. 


Today the boys and I are getting ready to go to a meeting with management. My nerves causing me to shake, and tears are threatening to spill out of my eyes. I felt someone intertwine their fingers with mine and I looked up to Lou's saddened eyes. He kissed the top of my head and nuzzled his face in my neck. 

If your wondering why were such a mess right now; were going to a meeting to discuss our relationship. I guess according to our management there is no way two boys can be together in a boy band I just don't understand why. More than half are fans already ship us and they barely know anything. They didn't really tell us much. They told us we would discuss it more when we got there. 

I feel my stomach churn as we pull up to our managements building and I guess I can only hope for the best. Though I don't really know what that is. 

We all make our way out of the car and into the building. No one really saying anything which I guess makes sense we don't really know how this is going to go their all scared for Louis and I... shit so am I. We walk into the office and each take a seat in the chairs. Simon and two of modest's head managers come into the room and take seats on the other side of the desk.

"Hello boys! how are you doing this fine morning." Simon said way to happy for any of our liking. 

"We have been better" Liam said speaking for all of us. 

"Well lets make this short then shall we." Simon said smiling " Louis and Harry your relationship can't happen. It will ruin One Directions reputation and I cant have that. You guys need to realize that gay isn't normal. No one would support you and you would just make fools of yourselves."

I looked over at Louis and he is fuming. his knuckles are white because of how hard he is gripping the chair. "Simon we don't care about losing fans, or our reputation. Louis and Harry are happy. That makes us happy and you need to grow the fuck up and realize that it is 2012 not the 60s being gay isn't a problem anymore. You need to realize that you sound absolutely ridiculous." Zayn spoke up, and the boys all nodded in agreement. 

It makes me feel better that they would support us but I cant let the just throw their careers away. 

"ARE YOU KIDDING ME BEING GAY IS ABSOLUTELY DISGUSTING. NO ONE WOULD SUPPORT THEM LET ALONE YOU ALL AS A BAND." Simon shouted. "your going to let two fags ruin what you guys have."

"Listen here you twat there is nothing you can say that will split harry and I apart. Why cant you just leave us be. We haven't done anything in public since you made me sign that fucking contract in 2011. I'd rather leave the band than leave my Harry" Louis stated looking absolutely pissed and ready to tear Simons head off. 

"As much as I'd love to see your pathetic ass leave Louis." Simon spat and I saw my poor boobear wince at Simon's harsh words. "Your under a contract so you cant, and I had a feeling you would say something like that so I wrote up a little contract here and it says that you and harry can remain in your disgusting relationship privately. If you get a public girlfriend." Simon said. 

Louis sat down looking defeated. I sighed quietly and saw Louis look at me. As much as this kills me I'd rather be with him while he had a fake girlfriend; than not at all. I nodded at him with a small smile and he got up and walked to the desk to sign the papers. 

Simon smiled like he won the olympics and gave Louis the pen while talking more about the whole ordeal, but I couldn't listen. I just played with my fingers and longed to be cuddled up with Louis in bed. 

"Alright boys. I'm going to get in touch with you Louis in a couple of weeks once we have a beard picked out for you and both of you" Simon said looking between me and Louis " no funny business or this contract gets ripped to shreds" he finished while walking out of the office. Can he even do that... is that legal. I don't know but i'm ready to get the hell out of here. 

Once we got into the car I wrapped my arms around my Loubear. "you know that everything he said isn't true your a very important part of this band we wouldn't be the same without you boo." I whispered into his ear. He just nodded while a tear ran down his cheek. I wiped it away and kissed his cheek. "I love you Haz. I promise everything will be okay. This won't ruin us I won't let it." he whispered back. I smiled and laid my head on his and rubbed his back. We will be okay. I thought. We have to be. 

We said goodbye to the boys and went into our flat; both of us exhausted from the way this day played out. "Lou you hungry" I asked looking in the fridge we don't have much right now as were never here and don't have much time to cook. "I guess so. Can we get some Chinese food or something" he asked me. I guess that sounds good. " Yea I'll order it and then we can watch a movie or something." I said and grabbed the menu out of the cabinet. I ordered the food and Louis put on grease his favorite movie. 

"Lou... I really hope your sure about this whole beard thing." I said still unsure about this whole situation. 

"If i'm being honest Haz I don't know how I feel about it. I just cant loose you. You have become to much a part of my life and nothing can change what you mean to me. Simon said that most of it is just PR and all I have to do is go out in public together, hold hands, maybe kiss her on the cheek. I just know at this point i'm to harrysexual to be straight." Louis laughed at his joke.

I just smiled fondly at this boy in front of me. I trust him that's what matters and I love him with my whole heart. "were gonna be alright." Louis added to his statement. I gave him a kiss and went to go get the door since I heard the doorbell ring. I paid the delivery man, and Louis and I spent the rest of our night eating, smooching, and just enjoying each others presence.  

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