Where do Broken Hearts Go pt. 1

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*one month later*

If I'm being completely honest... things fucking suck. At least for me anyway. Louis has been enjoying having Eleanor around so far. He told me she isn't a bitch and that's she's really chill but I still think there is something fishy going on here. I mean come on Simon found her.

I don't doubt Louis loves me or anything like that. I just feel alone cause Simon has him out with her all the time. Today though Louis and I get to actually spend together; just us no Eleanor, no boys, just me and my boobear.

We were laying in bed cuddling and enjoying the quiet. "Hey Haz" Louis said. "When tour is over. I was thinking maybe we could take a trip somewhere special and just be alone for a while. No beard. No management. just us." He finished looking over at me with a smile.

"That sounds amazing boo. Like I couldn't of asked for anything better. Maybe we can go to Amsterdam. I've always wanted to go there." I said feeling good inside. "That sounds absolutely perfect" Louis said while rolling on top of me.

We looked into each other's eyes and he looked down at my lips. I swear this man just takes my breath away. I lean up and kiss him passionately. We haven't gone farther than kissing and a occasional blow job, but recently I've just wanted to be with him in every way.

The kissing quickly escalated and Lou ripped his shirt and pants off mine coming soon after. I grinded my hips into Louis making me groan in pleasure. "Are you sure you want to do this Haz" Louis asked caringly. I just nodded my head wanting him now. I have to say that, that day was the best day of my existence.

Being connected to someone like that just makes you fall in love in a whole other way. I can't really explain it well, but I will never forget it. "I love you so much Harry Edward Styles" Louis whispered into my ear and kissing me on the forehead. "I love you so much more Louis William Tomlinson" I said snuggling into him. We both dozed off for a while and I woke up around dinner time.

I went to get up but winced as a sharp pain went up my bum. God damn Louis. Okay be a man Harold. I finally stood up but had to walk with a limp. I mentally facepalmed and made my way to the kitchen. I wanted to make us dinner and to have a romantic night. Even though we already had quite the day; I smirked to myself. 

I decided on making tacos cause why not, and I'm pretty much obsessed with them. I started cooking and doing my thing when Louis came into the kitchen with a smile. I limped over to him and just wrapped him up in my arms. "Good evening sleepy head" I said and kissed him on the top of the head. "Good evening Harold. Are you uh- are you okay?" he asked with concern. 

"I'm okay. I had an amazing morning Lou don't worry." I said while going over to stir the meat and put the shells in the oven. "Me to Hazza. Best morning ever." he said with a proud smile. Louis phone started ringing in the bedroom and he went to go answer it. While I finished up these amazing looking tacos. 

I set the table and made our plates setting them down on the table, and Louis came back sitting down at the table a small smile on his face. we started eating and this uncomfortable tension filled the room so I asked the only thing that was on my mind. "Soooo who was on the phone." I asked. He sighed and looked at me sadly. Welp this only means one thing. "Simon called to tell me I have an outing with Eleanor at some club in two hours..." He said looking down at his lap. 

"Are you fucking kidding me why can't this wait until tomorrow." I asked quite pissed off. 

"I don't know Harry, but I cant just say no to Simon." he bickered back. 

"You very easily could have. Sometimes I think you like being with Eleanor more than you like being with me." I said fuming. 

"Seriously Harry seriously. Your going to say that after what happened today. I can't fucking believe you." Louis said standing up.

"You know what Louis why don't you just get the fuck out. I need to just be alone right now I cant even look at you." Harry said in a fit of anger not really meaning what he said but before he could fix it Louis was out the door, and Harry was left sitting there alone.

I don't think tacos are my favorite food anymore...



I seriously cant fucking breathe right now. I don't even know where I ran to. I just ran as fast as I could for like ten minutes. How the fuck dare he think this is my fault? Like seriously I feel like I'm dying inside and out... how does he not see that. Today was the only piece of happiness I have had in a month cause Simon keeps me with Eleanor. 

I thankfully held onto my phone and called up Niall explained what happened and asked him if he could come get me. He said him and Liam were on the way and I just sat there. I'm usually not a crier, but I broke. I just started sobbing uncontrollably and started pulling at my hair in frustration. Honestly if I didn't love harry so much... I probably would have ended my life already. I mean seriously it would be very beneficial at this point for everyone. 

I curled up in a ball when Niall and Liam walked up looking really freaked out. I tried to explain what happened but I just couldn't get words to come out just sobs escaped my lips. They just sat next to me and waited for me to calm down. It took me a minute but eventually I was able to make words. "So what the fuck happened Lou." Niall asked. 

I explained the whole fight in the kitchen and I also added what happened this morning. So they understood why I was so upset. "First off that was the first time you guys have ever done it" Niall said looking shocked as fuck. Liam slapped him on the head. "Yes Niall was that seriously all you got from that" I asked him bitterly. 

"Well no but like wow i'm shocked." he said with a small laugh. 

"Look Lou... this is you and Harry you guys are seriously unbreakable. This was probably just his jealousy and insecurities about the whole situation coming out in an ugly way. Don't take it too personal okay." Liam said, but the fuck does he know none of his relationships worked out I thought annoyed with the whole night. Honestly the last thing I want to do it go to a club with Eleanor. 

"Lou its almost nine and you gotta be at this club at nine thirty." Liam said sternly "Gee thanks daddy direction." I said sarcastically and rolled my eyes. He just huffed and we all got up from the ground and headed to Liams so I can change into clothes. This night can't get any worse... right? 

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