I'll Still Be a Fool

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Harrys Pov 

Well... Liam couldn't have been more wrong. It has been a month and a half of pure fucking hell. Not only did Eleanor MOVE IN, she also made the living room her personal planning spot to plan the wedding. 

She has people in and out of here all the time and the worst part is Louis seems perfectly fine with all of it. Not a noise of protest has left his mouth and it is driving me mental. 

I'm currently holed up In our room trying to stay away from the cake testing that is going on outside of the room. I want to just disappear into the bed and never come out. 

I can't go to twitter because my timeline is full over Larries and Anti's fighting and that El and Lou were made for each other. I started tearing up because it was just becoming way too much. 

I always thought Lou and I would get married in private away from the world and Eleanor would just stay his beard. Not being bound to my Louis in legal marriage. Maybe moving out for a bit would help me clear my mind and come to some sort of inner peace.

 I mean you know what I always say 'TREAT PEOPLE WITH KINDNESS' that has genuinely become a mantra of mine to remember to stay calm and always look for the positive in a problem with someone or just try to help them instead of fight. 

But this situation is making me want to tear apart Eleanor and Simon limb by limb. I think I am going to go to Niall's get out of the house. Maybe that will help. I climb out of bed and throw on a jumper. I grabbed my phone and wallet and headed for the front door. "Haz where are you going" Louis asked me jumping up from the kitchen counter where the cake lady and Eleanor are. 

"I'm going to Niall's I just can't be here right now" I told him honestly, and opened the door walking out. Instead of hearing the door close I heard footsteps behind me. "Harry what's wrong" he asked concerned. I sighed and rubbed my temples. 

"Louis I can't be here when you and her are being so lovey and close talking about a wedding that shouldn't even be fucking happening. I need a break." I said a single tear rolling down my cheek. "Yea.. okay. Just to remind you though. I only am acting the way I'm acting to keep some sort of peace, and the lovey shit is for the wedding planners and shit who supposedly aren't hired by Modest and don't know our real situation." Louis sighed. 

"I'm sorry that she has taken our one safe space Haz. I Genuinely am it is driving my up the wall and I never stopped to see how you were doing. So please go to Niall's take as much time as you need" he added and kissed me lovingly on the lips. I kissed back and pulled away placing another kiss on top of his head. "I love you Boo" I whispered wrapping him in a hug. 

"I love you more Hazza" He whispered back and we pulled away from each other.  I hopped in the car and drove off towards Niall's processing all that just happened and sighed with a bit of relief. 

At least it's all fake I thought as I pulled into Niall's driveway. I never even bothered texting my Irish lad so I know for a fact that I might get told to go to Liams. Zayn had to go back to America because Gigi had something she needed to tell him. 

I knocked on the door and a few minutes later my now brunette friend popped his head around the door. "Harry my boy. What's up" he asked with his signature smile. "Nothing Ni just need a place to get away for a bit is that alright with you" I asked with pleading eyes.

 "How can I say no to that face. Come on I just ordered like five pizzas" he said with a chuckle. "After all this time you can still eat like there's no tomorrow and not gain a pound huh" I said laughing with him. We walked into his house and we went to the kitchen. 

"Mate I don't know how. Guess i'm just lucky" he said with a shrug and smiled. "Want a beer" he added. "Sure why the hell not. Definetly need a drink" I admitted and took it gratefully. I took a swig and leaned against the counter. "Why aren't you home with Louis." he asked. I sighed and took another drink. 

"Because I can't be there with Eleanor it's fucking torture. She's there constantly now and she doesn't know how to respect fucking boundaries and is all over Louis. I know this whole wedding is fake, but it fucking sucks and I feel fucking miserable." I ranted and Niall looked at me sadly. "H I know it sucks, but remember he loves you and not her no matter what happens at the wedding." he said and patted me on the shoulder. "Ya know after all this time I wouldn't have expected modest to keep doing this shit to you." he added. 

"Tell me about it were grown fucking men and I'm not allowed to be with the man I love because of some stupid fucking contract Louis had to sign in 2011" I sat angrily. I don't even want to go to the wedding but that would attract bad press and all that stupid stuff.  Something about him being legally tied to another person is what is bothering me so bad. 

it's like we're not even going to actually be together anymore. I sighed again and downed the rest of the beer. "Can I have another one" I asked him. "Yea mate" he said and got me another one out of the fridge. I took it and downed half of it. I felt my phone buzz and pulled it out. It was Louis. I answered it 

"Hey Lou what's up"

"Hey hazza I know I said that I would let you be but I have to tell you this." he said. Oh great the tone in his voice sounds fantastic. 

"okay go ahead" I said nervously.

"Simon just called and said he moved the wedding date up to five days from now."  he said his voice cracking. My heart literally stopped at those few words and I dropped my phone. Niall immediately picked it up and started talking to Louis. Everything went numb and I couldn't see straight. 

it felt as though my heart was shattering into a million pieces and I am devastated. "Harry... HARRY" Niall shouted and I looked at him and his face was ridden with concern. "What" I snapped. "I'm sorry mate" he said and wrapped me in a hug. I started sobbing into his shoulder. 

"Why don't you go lie down I'm going to go call Liam and Zayn" he said and started leading me up to one of his guest rooms. As soon as we walked into the room I collapsed on the bed and cried into the pillow not knowing what to even think right now. 

I took some deep breaths to try and pull myself together, but I couldn't. Thinking about him even having to be connected to her like that makes me physically ill. After about thirty minutes I was able to calm down a little. 

Niall finally came too the room I was in, and sat next to me. "How are you doing?" he asked softly. "I honestly don't know how to feel. on one end I feel like I'm being dramatic as fuck, but the other It feels like my person is being taken away by someone else." I vented. 

He nodded and patted my back. "I know it sucks but if you think about it he is still yours. It's all fake and it's all for show." he said which only made me angrier. "Niall we have been hidden for fucking ever. Almost ten years now of secrets.-"

-I just want to be happy. I want to be free" 

AU/// well hello hello everyone. if anyone is still reading this LMAO this chapter might be shit because I wrote half back in 2020 and the rest now. This fic is almost complete I just have maybe three more chapters of it. thank you for reading and dont forget to leave feedback or just how your feeling in the comments I love reading them. 

love you guys <3

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 25, 2023 ⏰

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