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AU;/// hey guys so I just wanted to let you know the dates of things obviously aren't to accurate. Like Brianna and what not. Also there is going to be a big time jump. This chapter is going to be in august of 2015... you will understand why soon if you don't know already. Much love to you all! ~ M.

*two years later*


Things with Harry were going well... I guess. I don't really know, but it has been getting hard. We have been fighting a lot, and it is always over petty shit. For example having to go do a stunt with Eleanor, or when I go see my now two year old son. I guess I understand where he is coming from, but I also don't.

I mean shit I haven't ever had a problem with him and Taylor, or Kendall, or Caroline. For some reason management would rather Harry be seen as a womanizer instead of gay... I fucking hate it here.

The love I have for him will always out way the petty arguments though. He is my other half and that will never change. We only get to be ourselves around each other at home now, and it is so frustrating. To the fans they think of us as mortal enemies or something? I don't know, but it is quite stupid.

Anyway I am on my way to managements office because the boys have been talking about a hiatus... Harry more than the others wanted it. I'm not sure how to feel about that, but maybe we could finally be free. A new found hope flowed through me, and I smiled like an idiot to myself.

I don't know what the plan would be for myself. I mean as the weakest member of this band I definitely won't make it as a solo artist. At least Harry will do well. Liam and Niall were kind of excited to see where it will take them, and I don't doubt that they will do amazing things. Zayn however left about five months ago... I think? Poor lad was suffocating here, and he couldn't take it anymore. I definitely don't blame him.

I finally pull up to the building and smile to myself. I hope that we will be able to be free. I walk into the room and the lads were already there. I kissed Harry on the cheek since Simon wasn't in the room yet and sat down in one of the chairs. I felt my phone buzz and whipped it out of my pocket to check it.

from: Hazza

what are you in such a great mood for??

To: Hazza

I was thinking in the car that if we do go on a break... we might be free.

From: Hazza

Heres to wishful thinking eh? ;)

I looked over at him and he was smiling at me. I smiled back and blew him a kiss, and him being the sap he is caught it. I laughed, and was going to say something but Simon walked in with some paper work. Welp this should be interesting. He sat down and looked at us with no emotion. What the fuck.

He started going on about how the hiatus will work and shit like that. The boys were talking back, but my mind wasn't listening. This one thought still stuck in my mind. I'm scared to ask, but we need this. He asked us if we had any questions. Well... here it goes.

"Simon does this mean that Harry and I can finally come out? and I can finally get rid of Eleanor?" I asked quickly. He looked at me with a smile... it's official this man scares the fuck out of me. I looked at Harry and he looked at me with the same confused expression. I looked back at Simon and he was shaking with silent laughter.

Laughing? Why the fuck... "What's so funny you arse" Liam said growing frustrated. That only made him laugh harder. Liam stood up and was ready to go fight a bitch, but Niall sadly grabbed his arm and made him sit down again.

"Yo- you think you I just oh god this is too good" Simon said in between fits of laughter. "You seriously think that is a possibility. HA your little contract lasts about five more years? Six maybe. The hell if I know" he said his laughter died down to a chuckle. I felt like the I had just been beaten to a pulp and was trying to breathe.

"What the fuck do you mean you shit head" Harry asked him. "Well your little boobear over there signed the contract and it states that no matter what happens to the band he has to stick with me and my label. Alas he isn't doing shit. You all can do whatever you want. Well except for you Harry." He said seriously and with a nasty look on his face. I just got up and left.

I ran till I got to my drivers car, and told him to take me home. I wanted to scream but I wasn't going to put the poor driver man through my breakdown. As soon as he pulled up to my flat I threw more than enough money his way, and ran into the house. I sobbed... I fell to the ground and cried.

I got up and punched the wall, and punched and punched and punched, until someone was pulling me away from it. I screamed and kicked because I was mad. No I was fucking furious, and broken, and pathetic. I hate myself. If I was straight life would be so much easier, OR if I was dead everyone else's lives would be better.

I turned around and saw that it was Harry that pulled me away from the wall. Hazza my poor poor Hazza. My legs gave out and Harry was the only thing keeping me from falling to the ground again. Why can't he see me for the pathetic piece of shit I am.

"Lou baby breathe. Please." Harry begged me he himself crying. I tried to take deep breaths, and soon everything was clearer. "Lou lemme see your hand please." he cooed and I lifted my arm up. It was covered in blood, and my knuckles were very torn up. He lifted me up and set me down on the couch and walked towards the bathroom. I put my head in my hands and cried to myself. Why does Simon have to be so cruel. Why does he hate me so much.

Harry came back in with a wet towel and some antiseptic. I stuck my hand out so he could do what he had to do. I Winced as he poured some of the liquid on my hand and started to pat it with the towel. I feel bad for being such a burden and making him care for me when we both should be crying together in bed, but here I am having to get taken care of... per usual.

"I'm sorry Haz." I said sadly. He looked at me confused and sad. "Lou babe you have no reason to be sorry. I understand why you were so mad. I would have been to, but I wouldn't have punched the wall." he chuckled. I smiled at the ground.

He finished up my hand and sat down next to me snuggling into my neck. "It will be okay Lou. we just gotta get through this till your contract is over." Harry said. "That's five more year Haz. I don't know if I can handle that. I actually hate Eleanor. I cant." I said a solo tear rolling down my cheek.

He kissed me softly and sat on my lap. "Remember what you said. We can't let Simon win. Not now. Not ever." he said and smiled with his forehead on mine. I leaned up and kissed him again passionately. I gripped his bum and picked him up walking to our room, and well you know how we spent our night.


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