【Chapter 01 Loving the Rebel Life】

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(Trigger Warning: Mention of drugs, eating disorders, and other triggering topics. Please read if you feel as though you are in the mindset of these topics.)

Chapter 1

Loving the Rebel Life 

Chapter 1

Loving the Rebel Life

I could honestly say that I never thought I would be the girl to break into her ex's bedroom. I never thought I would climb three stories via the lattice panels on the side of his house just to slip the window open and slide my slim body through a small crack as quietly as possible. I never thought I would use my limited-edition black Victoria Secret leggings as my "break in" outfit.

I truly never thought I would commit a B & E before my senior year. I was sincerely wrong about a lot of things though. If junior year was any lesson to expect the unexpected then I had been taught at a level the laws of Universe could not rival.

I'm sure many guys and girls would say this but truly I wasn't one of them. I never planned to be an ex. I had one boyfriend and I loved him with all my heart. Love him. I love him. Love was a verb in my head. I was always loving him. There would be no loved, just loving. I was lucky enough to know the difference. I lived it.

Which was why I was breaking in. Obviously. I climb through his window and thank god that his parents were taking him out to a celebratory dinner on finishing his junior year with all A's despite everything he'd been through. I was proud of him too. Really, I was. But nothing surprised me about Oliver.

He was incredibly smart, but his wits easily matched his kindness. No, scratch that, there was one thing that surprised me about Oliver. How did a boy, almost a man, like him come from parents like his? He was their fucking miracle and they couldn't even appreciate it.

Which was why I was currently tip toeing on Oliver's bedroom floor and staying low so that any of his nosey ass neighbors couldn't catch my silhouette and call the neighborhood watch or worse, the security office of his neighborhood. I make my way over to his navy-blue desk and begin shuffling through the papers that are neatly placed in the corner of the desk.

That was such an Oliver thing to do. Perfectly aligned and organized paper. Nothing out of place. We were such opposites. I left my papers haphazardly around my desk just not always on top of it. Sometimes it'd fall to the back or underneath it and I'd find it a few weeks later. Which why I was constantly late on turning in my homework.

Realizing that he probably wouldn't have put it on his desk for his over controlling mother to find I move to the bottom drawer on the right side of his desk where he would stash things from her. Maybe it would still be here after everything. I was praying because I doubt I would get access to the information I needed from his mother.

I slide a heap of paper from the drawer laying it across the light-colored hard wood floor and flip through a shit ton of Oliver's sheet music. I try not to take too much time staring at his neat handwriting that make up years of composition. I try to fight the sadness that crawls through my chest bursting to get out. But it's hard when I see a page of music he wrote our freshman year of high school. It was the first song he ever shared with me.

I can remember that day as if it were yesterday. It was the moment of no return. When I knew I had fallen for Oliver Davis and there was no going back. I had officially fallen in love with my best friend. The tall lanky boy who would wear bow ties and button up polos and belt buckles with Pac man characters on them. The boy with dark rimmed glasses and beautiful green eyes full of life and happiness.

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