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The wedding day!

I was sitting in the dressing room my palms sweating from nervousness while getting my hair and makeup done.

" Oh god this is killing me..." I mutter having anxiety about this.

" Leona chill, you're talking this too seriously." Vivian says rubbing my shoulder and I breathe out nodding

" It's just ...ughhhh..I don't know it's so fucking difficult..." I mutter and she nods understanding.

" I just...I don't know what if.. Alex maybe history repeats-- ouch! Sam! " I wince at Samaira who just smacked my arm.

" Leona, Alex is not Noah! He will never be." She says and I sigh nodding

" Then what are you so worried about?" She asks

" I..I don't know to be honest.." I say softly making both of them sigh.

" Leona listen close your eyes." Vivian says and I frown.

" What?.."

" Just do it." She says and I nod closing my eyes.

" Do you remember the first time you met Alex?" She asks and a soft smile makes way to my face at the vivid memory.

" Offcourse I do.." I say softly my voice barely audible.

" Since then how much has he changed? " She asks and I breathe in sharply.

" A lot..not really changed but opened up.. yeah.." I say as all the events flashes in front of my eyes.

" Do you trust him?" She asks and I chuckle.

" Too much for my own good.. " I say and feel tears pricking in my eyes which probably the girls noticed too as Samaira massages my shoulders trying to ease me.

" That's right..see Alexa trust's him too, that's what you wanted right, Someone who will accept Alexa as his own." She says and I nod sniffing.

" She's with him right now.. treats her like his own daughter. " Samaira says and I nod as a tear slips out.

" Aaah I'm going to ruin the make-up!" I say making them chuckle as the lady carefully wipes of the tear smiling at me gently.

" love him, don't you?" They both asks together and I nod smiling.

" More than I can express.." I say chuckling as a few tears spill down making the three of us chuckle. I hurriedly grab some tissues dabbing them under eyes.

" I'm so sorry! I didn't mean to ruin the makeup" I apologise to the lady and she nods smiling.

" It's okay you can cry, almost everyone does." She says and I nod chuckling.

" Ughhhh I'm so nervous I wish I could take a shot but I can't! Guess who's knocked up and can't drink at her own wedding!" I say frustrated making them laugh.

" Okay...there you go, it's all done." The makeup artist says and I nod smiling getting up and looking at the mirror.

" Thankyou so much.." I say and she nods smiling.

" Don't thank me, y'all better call me for the one who's getting married next. " She says making us chuckle.

" Sure. " We say as she packs her stuff before leaving.

" Hey guys! Ready for the dress?" We here Danica's voice making us turn around to look at her.

" Yeah." I say breathing in and they nod. Danica helps me put on the dress.

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