The characters of the story

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This story , I will begin soon as I can.. Well , this fanfic I do by myself. Here the characters ^^

Oh Sehun

A boy comes from a royal family. He was born in Bulgaria in 1913. At that time, Sehun 11 years old. Sehun has an older brother and an older sister and a younger leader in her family. In 1930, parents Sehun brutally murdered by a vampire clan from England. They take Sehun to be one of the members of factions. in 1948, Sehun already a vampire. And now he is a vampire living only 3000 years old and also attend St.Vladimir Academy. Sehun a man who does not like to hang out with girls, and also a student who quiet .Sehun of Moroi students.

Park Ji-yeon

A girl only human. She was born in Columbia but now she lives with of her aunt in Canada.Jiyeon born when her mother turns into a human. After her mother gave birth to both her mother and brother of a vampire but her father wanted her mother to be human and spirit of her ancestors have solved spells her mother back into a human. Jiyeon's parents split up and her mother who married a doctor. Her father was a policeman in Columbia. Jiyeon has two brothers, Jiyeon is the youngest child in her family. The second two brothers do not live together, they live elsewhere. The school St.Vladimir Academy, Jiyeon of students dhampirs, she also was a bold and somewhat shy person but he is versed in the field of biology. And Jiyeon of students dhampirs

Park Chanyeol

Jiyeon's eldest brother. he is half vampire and half human. In 1991, his mother was a vampire and a human father. Jiyeon is not the same with him because when his mother gave birth to Jiyeon, she is just a human being before he became a vampire. Chanyeol one school with his sister, Jiyeon because he wanted to watch his sister at the school. Chanyeol of Moroi students, he was active in sports and also he does not like to mix with other female students

Park Jimin

Jiyeon's brother. He also similar Chanyeol, half human and half vampire. Jimin a man whose heart is hard and also have a strong ego. Jimin of Moroi students.

Kwon Yuri

Sehun's sister. Yuri has long been a vampire since 1911. she lived for 4000 years, and her face was like 21 years old. Yuri cruel girl. She is head of the Vampire clan. During the 8-year-old Yuri, Yuri has been kidnapped by a vampire clan and continues to be a princess turned into a vampire clan. At the age of 18 years, Yuri have been eligible to become head of in of her vampire clan. Yuri went to school with her brother, Sehun. Yuri of Moroi students.

Lee Donghae

Sehun's eldest brother. He is also one of the factions of vampires since 1912. He lived for 2000 years and he is still only 20 years old. Donghae a man firmly in the Vampire clan. During 6 years old Donghae, Donghae became one foster child in Vampire Tribal Peoples. Donghae became a vampire when he was 7 years old. Donghae is a leader in school St.Vladimir Academy. Donghae of Moroi students.

Kim Jongin(Kai)

A boy who is he is from the Wolf Clan. He became Tribal wolf when he was 8 years old in 1924. Kai has two sisters and he youngest child in his family. His parents also of Tribal Wolves. Kai man firm and also friends to Jiyeon. Kai also a school with a student's Jiyeon and he dhampirs

Kim Hyo-yeon

Kai's sister, and one of the wolf clan. Hyoyeon is a quiet girl but firmly. She also went to school with her brother, Kai, and also students of dhampirs

Kim Hyuna

Kai's second sister, and one of the wolf clan. HyunA a girl who is shy but she likes to Park Chanyeol. She is also same school with Kai and students of dhampirs

Lu Han

Such a nice person and also half human and half vampire. He is not a evil vampire. Lu Han is to Sehun friends since childhood. Lu Han a boy who was good-natured and loves to help people in trouble. He from Moroi students.

Byun Baekhyun

Sehun's friend too and he is half-human and half-vampire. Baekhyun a boy who is polite and also likes to make her happy comrades. He from Moroi students.

Kim Tae Hyung (V)

Baekhyun's little brother and also half vampire half human. V a quiet boy but he likes adventure activities. V a spoiled little brother to Baekhyun and many are said to face the same V and Baekhyun. He from Moroi students.

Sandara Park

Jiyeon's childhood friend and half human and half vampire. Sandara a girl more preferred by boys but she does not like to hang out with the boys, she just wanted to be with her best friend, Jiyeon. Sandara a good girl and also shy. Sandara from Moroi students.

Wu Yi Fan(Kris)

The evil in his clan and among all of the others vampire. Kris has long been the chief of the clan on of his life since 1865 and for 1000 years. He remained young as 24 years of age. He also studied at the Academy and he St.Vladimir from Moroi students.

Choi Siwon

Jiyeon's father. Siwon living alone in Columbia. He still loves her, Jiyeon. He worked as a policeman in Columbia.

So Ga-In

Ga-In is Jiyeon's mother but she is already married to a doctor. Ga-In a housewife in Canada with her new husband.

Huang Zitao

Sehun's friend and also half human and half vampire. He's a shy boy but he's an art material. He the same with Sehun school and a student from Moroi.

Do Kyungsoo

Kai's close friend and also half human and half wolf. D.O. is one from the Wolf Clan. DO a strong, brave and also a man of genius. He dhampirs students.


Okay !! This story will begin to come! For want to finished it "My Beloved Tomboy" first and then will come, I will keep it to this story as soon as possible !!!! This story is a lot of character in joining the cause of this story from a friend of mine had it idea ^^ hopefully , you guys enjoy and like it.. And please support me and if any bad words or any correction please leave a comment !!


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