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               *I don't own the picture above but I have no idea who the creator is*


All Might: Young Midoriya, you can become a hero too…
*sticking out his hand offering Midoriya some help of the floor*
My quirk is One for All, and I can transfer my powers to anyone that I choose to become the next symbol of peace… which is just one amazing thing about my quirk…

But with great power comes great responsibility, and with that said… young Midoriya…would you like to be my successor?

Silence occurred for a few seconds

Then Midoriya replied while still in tears: Yes! Yes All Might I will be your successor and make you proud!!

And from that day forward All Might kept on helping Midoriya (which I will now continue refer to as Deku) train for the U.A entrance exam.

                          ~time skip~
~It’s night time right now and All Might and Deku are both at the beach Deku has been training at all year~

All Might: Young Midoriya, the entrance exam is starting tomorrow. Are you ready?
Deku: YES I AM!!
All Might: *shushes Deku*
Keep it down young Midoriya we don’t want to attract any extra attention.
Deku: Yes, yes of course sorry All Might.
*in a lower voice*
Yes I am.
All Might: Well young Midoriya the time has come for you to get my quirk. I won’t transfer all of it since you still may not be ready, but for now I’ll give you the amount you can handle.
Deku: Ok All Might, but how will I get your quirk in the first place?

*All Might pulls a strand of hair from his  head*

All Might: Eat this young Midoriya!
Deku in confusion: Huh..? Wait I’m supposed to eat your hair!?!?!
All Might: Yes young Midoriya, how else do you think I can transfer my quirk at such a minimal size?

Deku a little creeped out about the situation: O- oh- alright then… here goes nothing…

   Deku eats All Might’s strand of hair and gets a weird feeling after he was done.

All Might: Ok young Midoriya, I wish you luck with tomorrows exam. I can’t do much from my state once you start so it’s all up to you to control your nerves and do the right thing.
Deku: Thank you, thank you All Might for giving me the opportunity of a lifetime! I will do my best tomorrow, good night All Might.

  *Deku waves goodbye as he walks back home, then All Might waves back and says goodbye back*

                           ~Big time skip~
  ~Deku gets to U.A and takes the exam. The rules were that you had to destroy four different kinds off robots and each robot had a different point number. The fourth robot was an obstacle to avoid. But when the time came to start Deku couldnt rank up any points and was starting to lose hope… until he saw a girl stuck under a few metal pieces not able to get out, and if she couldn’t get out she’d be crushed the fourth robot. So Deku couldn’t just stand there and do nothing!! So he went to help her then the test ended~

              ~A few days after the exam~

Deku’s mom: Izuku dinners ready!
Deku: Coming mom!
*Both of them sit down and begin to eat*
Deku’s mom: Izuku, any news about the U.A entrance exam yet?
Deku: Sadly nothing yet…
Deku’s mom: Oh ok sweetie eat up, your body needs a lot of food if you’re going to become a hero someday!
Deku: Yes mom!
*Deku starts to eat*
       ~few minutes later~
*Mail comes sliding down the tiny hatch for mail to enter through the door*

Deku’s mom: Izuku sweetie look!
Deku coming to go get the mail: Oh yes finally! It’s a letter from U.A! I’ll check it out and tell you what is written.
Deku’s mom: Alright.

  *Deku heads to his room and opens the letter*

Deku talking to himself: Alright Izuku whatever is written in this very letter will decide my future.. No pressure or anything… heh..

*He starts reading with a frown on his face but then that changes*


Deku’s mom about to cry from joy: Oh my God, my baby is entering U.A high school!!!

*Hugging Deku very tightly*

Deku’s mom: Now you better use this opportunity to learn something new and help you to become a better hero!
Deku: Of course mom!!
Deku’s mom: when do you start?
Deku: On Monday.
Deku trying to avoid not laugh: O- *little laughter* Ok mom, good night!
Deku’s mom: Good night sweetie!

           That’s the end off the background.. Hope you enjoyed there is more to come so please stick around!

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