2- hobby

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you, Hange and Levi walk into his office. you and Hange sat down in front of the two chairs as he sat in his office chair. "so what are we here to talk about?" you say.

"When I went to check Eren's tooth, it grew back already!" she says astonished. Levi's face goes blank as he tries to comprehend what she said. "grow back?" "yeah! brand new!" "maybe it's because he's a titan shifter." you said.

"well no shit sherlock." Levi says to you. "be quiet, you said you wouldn't be mean to me." "yeah if you stopped." you groaned as you put your hands on the back of your head, and kick your feet on top of Levi's table.

"what are you doing!" he says immediately pushing your feet off, making papers scatter everywhere, making it unorganized. "you just made more of a mess!" you say.

"well you started it, you put your filthy shoes on my clean table. thanks to you it's dirty now."

"just clean it again."

Levi gets down and quickly starts to gather the paper and make a neat stack on his desk. Hange starts to burst out laughing as she gets stares from you and Levi, making her stop.

"what? It's funny!" Hange exclaims. "what's funny?" you say. Levi gets in his chair as he leans back.

"how you and Levi are always arguing all the time. I mean, Levi could spend his time cleaning all day, but he chooses to mess with you. and you just like to see Levi pissed off by you! I mean, come on! would you two just date already?" the room went silent.

"..uh, did I say that too soon?" "date?!" you yell. "I am not dating a cranky old man that wants everything to be clean spotless!" you let out. "old man? your old too." he says.

"I'm only 27!" "That's close to Levi's age!" Hange says smiling. "ugh, the point is that we are not dating! ever. and I mean it!" you said crossing your arms.

"I think she's trying to be desperate captain." Hange whisper yells to Levi. Levi watched the two of you. "Hange, we are just friends. I don't get the whole ship thing between us, it's stupid. we don't even get along."

"exactly! studies say that you become more aggressive and meaner towards the person you love! According to the brain, it switches a signal off and-"

"Hange, we don't want to date. nor we don't like each other." you said. she looks at you sadly. "right Levi?" you look at him. he stares at you.

"yeah." "whatever, I know my hypothesis is correct!" Levi claps his hands getting you and hange's attention. "Hange you changed the topic. we are talking about what we are doing with Jaeger."

"Tomorrow, we have an expedition! So I want to do some experiments on him!" you look at her cringing. "do you actually mean that?" "yes! don't worry y/n, he won't be harmed!"

"Your going to get him hurt!" you yell. "why do you even care about his saftey? he's a titan after all." Levi says annoyed.

"a titan shifter Levi." you said turning to him. "oh someone's jealous!" Hange says blushing. "what! Hange are you seriously okay?"

"y-yes! I'm doing great!" she says blushing more. you sigh as you look over at Levi, staring at you. "so tomorrow we have an expedition, to do an experiment on Eren Jeager?" "correct."

"okay, cool! okay we are done here!" you said leaving the room. you went to shower and get all freshened up for tomorrow. a knock goes on your door as you open it slowly, seeing Levi.

"are you coming?" "yeah." you go through the door frame and walk beside him. "why the hell would Hange even talk about that in front of us?" you say to Levi.

"I don't know. that's just how the girl is." you both enter outside, and sit on the steps. you look up into sky, seeing the beautiful stars above you and Levi.

you admire how much there are, and how bright they shine. you and Levi would usually go out every night and watch the stars. both of you have always done this and found it relaxing.

"there's a lot tonight." "yeah, there is." you said still looking up. Levi looks at you, then the sky. he leans back a little, with his arms supporting him.

"what you said, was it true." he said. you turn to him confused. "hm? what do you mean?" he hesitates and then looks at you. "never mind." "okay then." you turn back to the sky, seeing the shimmering stars.

Levi looks down at both of the hands. yours was so close, he was tempting to grab it, but refused.

"so goddamn disgusting." he says.


"I said what I said."

"what do you think is disgusting?"


you sit straight and stare at him. "what! why me?" "your so rude and act badass when your around others, and when your around me you soften up. that's disgusting."

"your more disgusting." you say to Levi. "Proof?" "just look in the mirror." he smacked your head as you started to laugh. "I was just kidding!" you said whining.

he chuckles as you rub the back of your neck. "let's go back inside." "okay." you both walk inside, as you both go separate ways. you turn around as he turns around. "good night, captain." "good night, y/n."

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