10- clash

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you stare up at the ceiling above your head. you look down at your hands, trembling in confusion. you grip them tightly against each other as you let out a harsh breath.

"fuck.." you said sighing. you punched the mattress you were laying on, very hard, which made you hear the spring. you slowly sat up, as your back filled with pain.

you groaned as you touched the bandage around your torso. you felt the pressure against your body, it was uncomfortable, but you knew it would help heal it quicker.

Hange came in as she stood, folding her arms. "why are you sitting up?" "it's nothing." you said turning your head to her. "so.. you gonna tell me why you told me to cover you when we went back into the wall?"

you laid back against the broad bed. "you know when we were about to head out the gate, and I asked if I could get off my horse?" "yeah?"

"well, I saw my sister. she was all grown up. I wanted to see her before I possibly.. died." Hange gasped and grabbed your shoulders roughly. "you saw your sister?! I bet that felt amazing! I'm so glad you met your sister again." she says smiling.

you smile in pain as she realizes. "oh crap, sorry!" she says yanking her hands off you. you smile awkwardly, "it's fine. I didn't want her to see me hurt."

"I get what you mean!" she says shrugging. she bends down to you to see your face. "you okay?" you jerk your head towards hers. "oh yeah, I'm okay! I'm okay.."

"hmm, are you sure? you have this embarrassed look on your face." she says patting your back softly.

"it's nothing.."

"yeah right, why don't you just tell me!" she says resting her head on your lap.

"Hange.." "please?" she says staring at you. "Hange, I know what your trying to do!" you grunted, aggravated.

"why won't you tell me? Is it that serious?"

She is clearly more interested now. "no, it's not serious, it's nothing even important." "Yeah, probably not important to you! Something crazy happened, I just know it!" She states, she snatches your hands.

"I.. uh.." you uttered. "oi, Hange." a voice interrupted. from the sound, you already knew who it was. you didn't attempt to look up at Levi, because you're face was burning red.

"Armin may have figured out who the female titan was." you looked up at him. "w-what? he found out who it was?" you said, not hesitating, even though your face was still bright red.

"y/n, your face."

you placed your hands onto your face, "oh shit, uh, yeah!" you said blushing more. "hm?" Hange said staring at you, covering your face. "what's wrong with this brat?" he says to Hange.

"I don't know.. hey y/n, is it hot for you?" "y-yes! yes it is!" you said trying to find an excuse. "it is hot in here, I don't blame ya! I'll bring you back to your room, you've healed a little, right?"

you knew you haven't healed one bit, your back was still hurting like shit. "yeah, everything seems a little better than before now.."

"okay, let's go then!" she pulls your hand as you stand up. you wobbled a bit as Hange holds your back gently.



you, Hange, and Levi walk to your room together. Levi opens the door as you walks stiffly to your bed. you plop down as you groaned. "ahh-" you hissed as you pressed your lips together, trying to hide your pain.

you get in as Hange stares at you. "you're not better! you lied!" she says pointing at you. "okay, maybe I did lie, I just wanted to be in my room, okay?" "it's fine, we'll let you stay here." Levi says.

you didn't want to look at Levi's face, because of what happened. Levi sat on your chair in your room, and Hange sat on your bed.

"so, Armin found out who the female titan was.." you said quietly. "yeah. we have orders from commander Erwin, but not now is the time." he responds.

"When I heal, right?" you said mumble. "yes." silence filled the room for a few minutes. "why did you get yourself hurt?" Levi says loudly. You and Hange jolt a bit. "Why are you asking me that."

"I told you not to get hurt the day before, remember that? you broke the promise." "I can't predict the future levi. plus, your orders for the Levi squad was to protect eren from getting taken." you mention, fiddling with your fingers.

"but I didn't say to get yourself hurt." "well I did. I'm sorry, i guess." Levi had stood up and had gripped your h/c hair around his hand, and yanked it towards him, leaving you startled.

you gazed into his grey eyes, gazing back at you.

"you guess? no I guess's are allowed. it's, okay Captain Levi. do you know how your life depends on everything you do? saving others doesn't count."

"but, you saved me."

he let his grip off your hair as you stared down at you, on the bed. you looked at your bandage around your body.

"if you didn't save me or check up on me, I would be dead. but now I'm just in my bedroom, arguing with you about not saving others and thinking about my own life, while you saved me on the verge of death."

Hange observed the conversation slyly, not trying to interrupt it. "that doesn't seem to add up to our argument, right?.."

Hange had got up from the bed. "I'll leave you two alone now to figure things out!.." she mutters. the door shut.

just you and Levi, staring at each other intensely.

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