Still Moving On

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It has been two year. Only two. Ava has been getting taller. Ughh, she is so beautiful.She is now six years old. This is her stage of life where she is now learning wrong from right, and yes she is acting out and on my nerves. But she is still my little Ava.

I haven't heard from Roc. Neither has Ava. Not that I am angry our anything, but I am worried.  He told me that he would keep in touch. With Ava. But I haven't heard from him.

Today I was taking Ava to the water park with my mom and my best friend Sasha. You remember Sasha right? The one who told me I needed to grow some balls and tell Roc. Yeah, well she's bringing her niece. Ava is around the same age as her niece but I think Ava is younger than her.

"Look mommy, Let's get on that one." Ava yelled while we were walking through the park.

"Okay, we will go in a few minutes."

"But I want to go now."

"No. Wait, for a minute or two."

"Why?" She started complaining.

"Yeah, why?" Sasha said. She is being a smart a*s

"You know why." I eyed her.

She started laughing while Ava was yanking on my hand begging to go on the ride.

"WHY, MOMMY WHY?" She was starting to cause a scene.

I signed.

"Because you just ate."


"If you swim after you eat. You will get a cramp. When you get a cramp, you can't move, when you can't move, you will drown. You drown, you die. Do you want to die?"

She slowly shook her head no.

"Exactly, so shut up and wait." I smiled and continued walking around the park.

Time flew by and it was six o'clock. We left the park and made it back home. I gave Ava a bath and put her to bed. I took my shower and shampooed my hair and combed it out. I blowed dried it and it started to get curly again. When I finished, I sat in the bed and turn on my TV. I got comfortable and started flipping through the channels. I turned it to Wendy William because she is so funny. And she has a late night show since I am up this late anyway. Through out her gossip, she said next, she has guests on her show. I couldn't wait to see, who the surprise guest were.

During the commercial break, I went down stairs and got a bottle of water. I ran back up the stairs and flopped in my bed. Just in time for the show to come back from break. 

"Introducing the cutest and hottest boy band, well Man band.." Wendy said.. The audience laughed at her remark.

"Man band. HA HA HOW YOU DO-INN." She laughed again.

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