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I finished making dinner. It took me almost an hour but I finally finished. Ava's favorites to be exact. Spaghetti with shrimp and meatball.

I put the dish towel down on the counter and started to make my way up the stairs. I looked for Roc. He was sitting on the couch but he wasn't there. I moved the curtain and looked out the window and his car was still there. I made my way up the stairs and looked in my room. I opened the door and I didn't see him. I even checked my restroom. Nope.

I came back out into the hallway and looked in the guess room. Nope. So he had to be in Ava's room. As I approached the door, I heard giggling. I opened and couldn't believe what I saw.

Roc was playing with a tea set that I gave Ava. They both were having a tea party. Doesn't sound weird yet, but only because he had on one of Ava's blankets that wrapped around him to make it look like he had on a dress.

Or course I laughed. They both heard me and looked in my direction. Roc eyes met mine. I smiled and he smiled back. Ava broke the silence.

"Look mommy, daddy and I have a tea party."

"I guess the gas wore off." I said smiling through my hands.

"Yeah, it did." Roc said laughing.

"Why are you wearing a blanket?" I asked.

"Mommy, its a dress. Use your imagination." Ava said.

I laughed and agreed.

"Umm, why are you wearing a dress?"

"I am? I'm sorry, I didn't notice. I should really clean out my closet full of these." Roc said with a straight face.

"Thanks Mr. Sarcasm."

"Anytime, Mrs. Obvious." 

I laughed and told them dinner is ready. I watched as Roc took off Ava's blanket and threw it on her bed. He picked her up and placed her over his shoulder. She immediately started screaming and yelling. She looked happy. It had me thinking.

She eventually stopped screaming when we hit the stairs, and asked me questions.

"MOM, what's for dinner?"

"I don't know, maybe spaghetti with--"

"SHRIMP AND MEATBALLS!!!" She said in excitement. 


"YAAAAAAAAY. Love you." She said while Roc put her down.

"Yeah, right."

"I do though." She said while grabbing my leg.

"Okay, go sit." 

She walked over to her chair and sat in it while waiting for me to fix her plate. Roc was standing behind me. 

"You can sit, I'll fix your plate."

"Nah. I got it."

"Noo, I got it."

"Look, You cooked and I'll fix the plates." He insisted.

"How about, you sit your a_ss down and let me do it. Thanks but, I got this. I can do it by myself. Now be a good boy and sit and the table and let me cater to you." I smiled.

He took his seat and I fixed all of our plates. I sat Roc's plate in front of him and I gave Ava's hers. 

I sat down and we all started eating. Ava stopped me and Roc before we took a bite.

"We aren't going to say a prayer?"

"Umm, You're right. I'm sorry. You want to do the honors."

"No." Ava said quick and grabbed her fork. 

"I'll do them." Roc said.

I nodded and we all grabbed hands. Roc started to bless the food.

"Dear Lord, Thank you for giving us another lovely day. Bless the cook and her specialties towards her cooking, and maybe you bless the food. God is grace and God is good. Just thanking you for bringing us all together again.--"  

After he said that he tightened his grip on my hand. 

"Hopefully you will let this day happen again in your honor. Amen, and thank you Jesus."

"That took forever." Ava said.

I smirked and Roc looked at me and smiled. I looked down at my plate to avoid eye contact, and started eating. 

This was going to be an interesting night.

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