Worry Much?

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I was on my way home from dropping off Ava. I saw that I had a missed call on my phone from Roc. I guess he knew that I left? Or that Ava was gone? Who knows. All I wanna know is he upset. 

I walked into the house and it was dark. I went straight to the living room to turn on the lamp. Roc was sitting on the couch. Just sitting there.

"Why are you sitting in the dark?"

"Where were you? And where's Ava?"

"Ava is at her friends house, and she will be back before twelve."

I slowly walked in front of him.

"I thought I said she couldn't go."

"Well, I said she could. It's a family get together. They are safe."

"But, you disobeyed my orders. After I said all of that to you, you still took her. It's like I don't have a say in anything." He rolled is eyes and put his head in his hands.

"First off, I'm not a dog. I didn't 'disobey' you. And Second, you do have a say. I just don't want her to be locked up in this house all day. She can hang out with her friends."

"But not him."

"What's wrong with-"

"I don't want her around no boy."

"Look, Too bad, so sad. You need to chill."

"Me. How can I chill when I don't know where my girls are? It's like you can't answer your phone."

"But you only called once."


I looked down because I guess he was right. But then I remembered how he said we were his 'girls'. I just love it when he's over protective of us. Makes me feel a little safe and secure.

I slowly sat on his lap. I put my hands around his neck and pulled him close. Those nice plump lips were nice and warm. 

"So, since it's only eight almost nine, Ava won't be home for a couple of hours."

He scrunched his face as I got off his lap and made my way to our room.

"Wait, what time is she coming hom-?

"Are you coming or not?"

His face scrunched up even more.

All I did was wink. 

Then he made the "oooh, I get it" face and followed.

This will be one hell of a night.

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