Chapter 1 -EDITED-

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||update date 08-03-13|| - this book has been edited by @Anonymously_Izzy


My name is Adara Cruz and I am sixteen and I look at the world as if it were a fairytale.  I am not saying that I am a kid; I am mature as mature can be.  I fell in love, got my heart broken, and somehow I was stupid enough to let it happen again and again...

People know me, not only because I come from a rich family, but because my older sister, who is now married and out of my hair.  She was popular and people from all around knew her, but now that she’s gone people think that I’ll grow up to be just like her.  Oh well…

Im 5’3’’, my hair falls down to my back and my eyes are as brown as my hair.  People say I should go for modeling, that I’m” HOT” and “SEXY” but just so you know, I am not like one of those blonde skinny bitches.  I am nice and funny.

I hang with a group of girls that are just like me. First is a girl named Accalia Wood, she was the granddaughter of the late mayor of our town.  Amaranth West, her father is a very rich and famous lawyer.  And finally, Samantha Raquel, she is not rich but she is beautiful so she fits in well.


“Time to get up, honey or you'll be late for school!” My mother says as she shakes my arm to wake me.

“Yeah yeah I’m up, thanks mom.” I kissed her cheeks and went to the washroom to take a shower. I take about half an hour because it’s the only time I have to plan out my day.

I wore my black, high-waist jeans and a blue shirt has, “Don’t Drink and Drive!” written on it.

I arrived at school an hour later and, as usual, met up with my girls at the front, they all looked fabulous. I was walking over to them and felt all eyes were on me. I saw some girls give me the death glare but who cares?  I’m HOT and I’m LOVING IT.

“Hey baby, looking hot as always.” Rayyan East said, winking at me. He is beyond hot and he is a senior like me. He’s one of the most popular guys in school, just like Rayzac Calburn, he was the soccer captain in our school and the son of John Calburn. He was also one of the richest people here.

Rayyan East is my boyfriend and best friend.  I took him out of the “best friend zone” when he rescued me from drowning in the school’s pool. Someone had accidentally pushed me in, and I didn’t know how to swim. Rayyan came diving in and saved me. The next thing I knew Rayyan lips were on mine and I fell in love.

"I can say the same for you, love." I kissed his lips and hugged him but he pulled me back to kiss me more.

"Me gusta, what’s with you today? Did you do something wrong?" I looking at him waiting for an answer.

"The only crime I committed was falling in love with you. Are you going to punish me for that, sexy lady?" I glared at him playfully and kissed him again.

"Come on now, let’s go to class before we all get detention.” And we all walked to our first class.

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