Chapter 24 -EDITED-

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||update date 08-03-13|| - this book has been edited by @Anonymously_Izzy


We got in the car, ready to go to Foods. My clothes were finally dry but I decided to just wear Rayzac's shirt and my jeans. I texted Henry to get me later but he texted backed that he still wasn't home. Erghhh how could I forget!? He was gone for the week.

"Umm, Rayzac" I looked at him but he just concentrated on the road. We haven’t spoken a word since he got in the shower. "I just remembered that Henry was away and-"

"I’ll take you home, it's ok."

"Ummm, thanks. Can you turn the radio on?"


We sat there not talking but just listening to the music, it was a 15 minutes drive to Foods. But it took us 30 to since there was an accident, a bus had hit a small van.

"FINALLY!" Accalia saw us and her face lit up. "We have been waiting for you"

"Yeah" I turn to face Samantha "What took you so long?"

"Umm, Rayzac took a shower and there was an accident on our way here."

"See babe? We should have texted them. I wanted to text you but I left my phone and Jake here left his too. He said that you might already be here and so when we got here i had already forgotten about the accident and Accalia here has been you know how she gets."

"It’s ok, let’s order?" i sat in the middle of Accalia and Samantha. Jake was in front of me and Rayzac was on his other side while Amaranth was on the other.

Buzz buzz buzz

That’s mine, I took my phone out


"Baby girl, how are you?"

"Ray, I’m fine. I missed you! I have been waiting for your call."

"Yah i was busy. i miss you too"

"So how is everything? Find someone yet?"

"Everything is fine and no. What you up too?"

"I’m at Foods with the girls, Jake and Rayzac. We’re having a singing competition on Friday."

"Are you going to join?"

"What no! I don’t sing and you know-"

"Don’t like baby girl. I followed you that day when you went into the music room and I stuck around outside till the bell rang/"

"So you-"

"Yeah, you always played the piano at my house when we were young."

"Yeah I did but I never sa-" Don’t say it, people are watching you. Well Amaranth and Jake were talking to each other. Rayzac and the girls stared at me.

"You sounded beautiful you should join the competition."

"No, I don't want the attention"

"What? You hate being alone remember?"

"I have the girls. I’m not alone."

"Do it, if you wouldn't do it for you then do it for me. I’ll get someone to go and watch and video it, ok? And I hope you’re going to be in it"

"The foods coming." I turn to see Accalia smiling like crazy. She looked to the other side when a woman was coming to us with a tray of food.

"I got to go our food is here."

"Alright, baby girl. I’ll call again tomorrow?"

"I’ll be waiting, bye."

Accalia ordered more when she was done with her first round. That girl can sure eat. "Are any of you going to join?" I looked up Jake was waiting for an answer.

"Should we?"

"Accalia don’t talk with your mouth full."


"Are you joining babe?"

"Maybe I don’t know, i haven’t sing for long time."

"How about you Samantha?"

"Nahh, I hate losing and I’ll save myself the embarrassment."

"And you Adara?"

"Adara doesn't sing, babe"

"Ohh I didn't know. So you only got beauty huh?"

"And brains!" i glared at him. Jerk!

"Adara can play the piano, maybe I could sing and Adara could play for me? How about it baby girl?"

"Yeah sure, what song you going for, Am?"

"I don't know maybe something Taylor Swift or Miley Cyrus. What's that song she sang at the movie where there was a lake and a cute cowboy?"

"The Climb"

"Yeah that, what you think baby girl?"

"Yeah we can do that."

"Ok, then it's settle my baby is going to sing."

Rayzac insisted in paying for the whole meal and we let him. After that we all went to the car, Samantha followed us since her house was near mine and Accalia got her driver to get her while Amaranth followed Jake.

It was a long drive and we all kept silent, we send off Samantha first. "Want me to take you home tomorrow?"

"Ummm yeah sure"

"Alright, do you need me to come get you in the morning?"

"Nahh, I can follow my dad." Erghhhh but my dad always goes to work early meaning he will send me to school early. "On second thought I take you up on the last offer too."

Rayzac stopped the car near the front door.

"It’s ok I can see myself in"

"I’m sorry again about what happen earlier I shouldn’t have touched you."

"It’s ok; we'll both get over it."

"See you tomorrow morning."

"Yeah bye" I walked to the front door and turned to wave. I watched as his car disappear.

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