Chapter 17 -EDITED-

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||update date 08-03-13|| - this book has been edited by @Anonymously_Izzy






I stood there. I couldn’t move. I didn’t know what to do. I just watched my best friend leave.

Buzz Buz Buzz Buzz.

I felt my waist buzzing, the dress had a small pocket at the side where I could pull some items like my phone or lips gloss. I took out a phone to see that I had text from my father.

“I asked Henry to get you, something came up.”

I replied telling him to tell Henry not to be late because I wanted to go to the airport one last time to see off Rayyan.

After putting my phone back I went to the hall that would lead me back to the party. It was already 11 when I got in at the top of the stairs and there was this white light shining at me and I look down to see everybody starting at me and whispering things I couldn’t hear.

I walked down the stairs and wandered around, trying to find Samantha but I didn’t have any luck. About 6 boys had already come up to me asking to dance but I rejected them. I didn’t know how to dance and I didn’t want to embarrass myself.

I remember about the music room, I wanted to go there earlier and I didn’t feel like going to the garden. I didn’t really need that book; I could make a new one. I walked out of the hall and once again headed back to the school.

I remember over hearing the teachers saying that they bought new guitars for the music room so I went to my locker to take out my favorite guitar pick. It used to belong to Rayyan but he gave it to me because I liked it very much. Ever since I got that pick I learned to play the guitar through Youtube and over time I got better.

 I didn’t realize I humming to a song that wasn’t in my head. Wait! That’s my song! What! My song? How? Where is that coming from? I walk along the corridor closing in on the sound. I was leading me to the garden.

Oh my gosh! There he was the guy that had my book!  He was singing my song. He was wearing a mask and he was wearing a prince outfit which fit with my dress. He was wearing a mask too, I couldn’t see his face but from where I was standing he looked, WOW!! Ehhh wait! I’m walked closer to him.

 NO! Stop walking, you don’t need that book. Now walk away. I walked away from the guy singing my song and I walk into the music room. I grabbed on one of the guitars, which was standing on its stand and I sat on the chair in front of the piano.

Hey, prince charming when are you gonna come and save me?

I’m a damsel in distress.

I’m gonna wait on the balcony tonight,

And you better be there.

Come save me now, take me away~

Come get me now and take me away~

Away from he-“


TUGHHH! “Ouch” I stop and stood in shocked. I turn slowly to see the guy that was at the garden was now in front of me holding his legs which he accidentally hit on the metal table  went he came in.

“Hope you learn something from that”

He stood up straight at walk to me then bowed while let out his hand. “Milady”

I could hold my laugh and he laugh with me “how charming, prince charming”

“May I have this dance?” his hand was still out for me to take but.

“ I’m sorry but I don’t dance. I don’t know how to”

“Take my hand and I’ll show you”

“Nah, I’ll pass I want to save the embarrassment and I think your leg has suffered enough” I walk away to the door but a hand stop me and pull me back on this arms and I was in a position like the ones in love movies when they dance and and-

“Don’t leave, Cinderella. Dance with me” my voice wouldn’t come out and so I just nod and he pulled me back up.

“There isn’t any music to dance too”



“Sing and we’ll dance to it, your voice is like an angel singing” I blushed at his words and started sing and we danced and danced.

“You lied” huh? What I looked up to him in shocked. What did I lie about? “you said you didn’t know how to dance”

“I didn’t.”

“Well, you do know I guess.” And he leaned forward to kiss my cheeks

I used up all my strength to stop myself from smiling like a crazy person. “How did you know I was here?”

“I saw you walk away earlier at first I thought you might just be someone passing by but something in me told me to follow you and I didn’t.  I ended up here. I was listening to you from outside, was that a new song? I haven’t recognized the words from your book.”

“I just made it up, just went with the flow.”

“Nice, you make beautiful music just like that, huh?”

“Yeah.” I went to seat back down on the chair I sat earlier on and he came to sit beside me.

“Who are you?” I turn to look at him.

“I-I” those lips were coming closer to mine and I felt a hand on my waist and I look to see this guys eyes were staring at my lips like like Rayzac does.

Soon the lips touched mine and he kiss sent sparks to me and it felt wonderful like a fairytale coming true. His lips soon kissed down to my neck and it felt so damn good I let out a moan.

Buzz buzz!

I felt the buzzing of my phone and just up, I look back down on my prince. “What’s wrong? Have I done something?”

“No” I looked up on the wall clock to see that it was already 12.30. That must be Henry texting me. “I’m sorry but I have to go”

“Wait.” I felt an arm grab me but I break off it and the guitar pick fell and we both stared down at it but I didn’t have time to get it I had to leave now!

I ran out as fast as I could and saw Henry was walking for me outside the car with the doors open. I ran to him and got in the car then Henry got in the driver seat and we drove off.

“Sorry to keep you waiting, Henry. I lost track of time”

“It’s ok, Adara. We’re going to the airport, right?”

“Yes, and please step on it or I’ll miss him.”

“Who miss?”

“Rayyan, his leaving for Paris to study there, now hurry.”

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