Chapter 14 -EDITED-

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||update date 08-03-13|| - this book has been edited by @Anonymously_Izzy


I was still pissed at Amaranth, how dare she?! She didn’t tell me Jake finally got into boyfriend zone. Erghhh. He is bad for her, very bad. Amaranth sure knows a bad boy when she sees one.

It was lunch and I was starving, on the way to the cafeteria in bumped into Samantha and we walked together.  She dragged me there as fast as she could. She was hungrier than me. After we bought our lunch we went to sit with Amaranth and Accalia. Later on Jake and Rayzac came to join us, I kept glaring at Jake that jerk.

“So, Adara, found a date yet?” I look up to see Amaranth locking lips with Jake, it was disgusting.

“Ewww, get a room!”

“ehh-hemm, my question?” I turn to see Samantha glaring at me for ignoring her.

“No I don’t, ok?”

“Then get one, daaa.”

“Hell no, I am not asking a guy I am no that desperate and I can go alone, thank you.”

“You don’t like being alone, remember?”

“Yeah so? I can deal with it.”

“Alright, of you say so.” I had to glare like daaaa I am be alone if I want to, it’s not liking I am going to die.

School went on as usual, kind of boring. I went back home hungry, AGAIN! God what’s wrong with me? Why am I so hungry today? If I keep eating I won’t be able to fit my dress! Erghhh who cares I’m not even sure if I’m going.

After dinner I went back to my room and took a quick shower, I was so tried I really need a sleep. I knew I was going to be awake early but hell!  Who cares?

Yap extra early, it was 5:30am when I woke up and I had a major headache.

God, I don’t feel like going to school today and tomorrow is the dance I don’t want to go either.

 I ran down the stairs to take some Panadol to kill my headache.

"Wow! Morning, princess. Isn’t it too early?" I turn to see my father up and already dressed for work.

"I went to bed early and I’m getting a headache."

“Are you going to school? You should take something if you're planning to go to school. I don’t want to have a call from the principle saying my baby girl fainted."

"Yeah dad, that's why I’m here, I wanted to grab some Panadol, and do you know where Rita puts them?" Rita was one of my maids.

"On the top shelf" I turn to check the top shelf and there it was. I took the pill with some milk. After I was done I tried to walk back to my room for a shower but my father stopped me. "You going back to bed, honey?"

"No, dad. I’m going to take a shower than come back down for breakfast, why?"

"Nothing, hon, so you’re going to school?"

"Yes dad. Have fun at work, love you!" I ran up the stairs and went to washroom for my shower.

I felt better after the shower; I didn’t know what to wear to school today so I grabbed the first thing I saw. I ended up with skinny jeans, baggy shirt and a bun since I was lazy to fix my hair, I didn’t wore make up, too lazy to put them on. I went down for breakfast; my father had already felt when I was in the shower. I had to eat alone but I was already used to it.

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