Chapter 19 -EDITED-

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||update date 08-03-13|| - this book has been edited by @Anonymously_Izzy


Where am i? Everything looks so foggy. Erghh I’m in my room what am I doing here? I tried to remember how I got here but nothing came up. I got out of bed and went down.

Cries? Who is crying? I can hear someone crying.

“Calm down, love.” Dad? That sounds like my father and why is my mother crying?

Why am I walking really slow?! Erghhh! My head it hurts really bad!

“Mom? Dad?”

“Honey, you’re up.”

“Yeah, what’s going on? Why is mom crying?”

“Honey,  how about you take a sit an-“

“NO! TELL ME WHAT’S GOING ON!” erghhh I feel so damn all of a sudden and it’s not even my time of the month what’s wrong with me! Why is everything so foggy! What’s wrong with my vision and I going blind?

“Honey, take a seat.” my father was not standing next to me holing my arm pull me to the nearest sofa and I sat.

“What’s going on dad? Please just tell me”

“It’s about R-R”

“Rayyan?! What’s wrong what happen?”



“The plane that he was on, crashed and there wasn’t any survivor”

“What?! No!” everything was getting blurry now this can’t be I just i-I know this is not happen! NO!




“Adara, you’re awake.” I turn to see my father and mother sitting next to my bed. Henry was at the end of my bed and my girls were on my other side and Jake was there.

‘R-Ra-Rayyan? Where is Rayyan? Where is he?! HENRY!!”

“He is in Paris, miss. He tried to call half an hour ago but you were still sleeping an-“

My mother’s voice cut him off, “And you needed the rest, I took the call and told him what happened and that you’ll call later on when you’re awake.”

“Where am I? What happen to me? How did I get here?” the question was meant for Henry but my father stood closer to me.

“You faith just after Rayyan and his mother went in the boarding and you were taking long so Henry went to see where were and he found you on the ground and some other woman called an ambulance”

“The time you were asleep you kept saying Rayyan’s name, had a nightmare did we?”

“Yes, I dreamt that. Rayyan’s plane crash and he was never coming back home to me”


Rayzac’s head popped on. “Rayzac, come on in” Jake called out to him and he came in with flowers, balloons and a very huge teddy bear. My eyes widen when I saw him. Wow!

“Why are you here?” I hadn’t realized that it was me who had spoken until everybody turn to look at me.

“Jake told me what happen and so I came, here these are for you” he handed me the teddy bear and placed the balloons and flower on the table. “How are you?”

“Fine, I’m just having a headache”

“Oh, I’ll see if the doctor has something for that” my mother walked out the door and my father followed her.

“We didn’t see at the party, Adara.” I turn to Amaranth she was the one talking. “did you even came?”

“Erghhh, yes but I didn’t stay long, when Rayyan came to find me and told me he was leaving I had to leave early to send him off”

“Where is he going?”


“For how long?”

“5 years or so, he is going there to study.”

“WHAT?!” all 5 voices screamed at me and it hurt my head really bad.

“Erghhhh!!! Ouch!!”

“Sorry, why is he leaving?” this time it was Accalia with the questions.

“Because he needed to because- because of me becau-“ I felt tears coming up and I cried. Someone hugged me and I buried my head on that person’s chest. “It’s my fault he left! If I could only love him back he wouldn-“

“Shhhh, it’s not your fault.” Rayzac I was on Rayzac’s chest and he was holding me. I knew it was him because of the shirt he wore. It was pink, I notice it when he came in and I notice that my girls were still wearing their costumes.

“Let go of me!” I pushed him away, “Jerk! Don’t hold me like that, you have a girlfriend! Can everyone leave please? I want to be alone.”

“But, baby girl-“

“Now, Acca. Please all of you, I want to rest” I laid back down and closed my eyes. My girls each kissed my forehead before heading for the door and I guess Henry, Jake and Rayzac followed after them.

“I’m not leaving.” I sat up to see Rayzac still there standing at the end of my bed leaning on the wall.

“Whatever” I glared at him and all he did was smirk at me. JERK!!

“Why are you this like?”

“Like what?”

“Like I don’t know why do you hate me? You don’t even treat Jake like this, not like you used to. What? Am I supposed to date one of the girls to get you to be nice to me?”

“Don’t you dare do that! Jake earned it! And I don’t hate you; I hate the way I act when you’re near me. You have a girl and I kissed you and I am not that kind of girl but you’re making me into that kind of person and I hate it.”

“Ohh, Adara. I don’t have a girlfriend, I have this girl that I really like and I am in love with her yes but-“

“NO! Don’t! Even if she isn’t yours but you just admit that you’re in love with her and kissing me is like betraying your heart! I don’t want to lead you on, ok? I have feelings for someone else”

“Yeah? Who?” Erghhhhh if I only knew who that guy was.

“I don’t have to answer you, no get out!”

 Rayzac walk out the door and slammed it on his way out. What is wrong with me? I’m in love with a guy I don’t know and I having this craving feeling for Rayzac, I am so stupid to even let this happen to me.

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