Chapter 15 -EDITED-

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||update date 08-03-13|| - this book has been edited by @Anonymously_Izzy


“Loving you~ is easy cause your beautiful.

And making love with you~ is all I want to do.

Because loving you, has made my life so beauti-"

"That doesn't sound like your song" I turn to see Rayzac standing there looking oh so handsome. "Adara" I saw his once smiling lips turn upside down.

"Rayzac, what are you doing here?" 

"I was suppose to meet you, I guess"

"What?!" I looked down to see him holding a book, my book. NO! What?!

"It’s you, it can't be, you don’t even sing. If I knew it was you I would have just walk away"

"Rayzac, i-i"

"No! Who in hell would want a girl like you to love, you're a nobody! Hell you might be rich but to me you’re nothing, you're not even pretty, not even smart and your voice suddenly sounds like snakes hissing in my ears." He looked mad. "Here take this." I was to shock to move, why is this happening!? 

Bump, he threw my book at me. What’s happening? "I should have let Rayyan have you. You should be lucky at least someone likes you enough to fight for a bitch like you!"

"What? Why are you so mad? What have I done to you?" I started crying.

"You became the girl I loved and was looking for the whole time, that's what you did! I am so stupid to fall for a slut like you! For a bitch how doesn't care for anyone but herself!"

"What? i-i" I ran pass him and bumped into someone, I looked up to see Rayyan holding me in his arms "Rayyan what's going on?"

"Shh, don’t cry, it's ok, I’m here now, I’ll take care of you." He pulled my face to look at him and his face came closer and and-


Knocks? I looked up but I didn't see any door anywhere.


What is that? I felt my body shaking and shaking. What is going on? I held on to Rayyan tighter and he held me but when I look up to see his face, it wasn't him anymore it was Rayzac.

"Earthquake?" I cover my face on Rayzac's shoulder.

'"Wake up, wake up-” he sounds like a girl. Wait I know that voice, it sounds like Chri-

"Wake up, Miss Adara. It’s late." I opened my eyes slowly to see Christine, my other maid, standing beside me. "Your mother had made an appointment in the salon for you."

"Thanks, Christy. But tell my mom I can do my own hair and makeup." I haven't decided if I wanted to go or not.

"But miss your mother is waiting downstairs for you."

"No, Christy, I can do it myself so go and tell that to my mother, I’m sure she could go alone or go to work."

"But mis-"

"Leave!" she was pissing me off! I just woke up and it's early!!! I get pissed easily when I first wake up. Christy went out looking scared and sad. Oops my bad.

Memories of the dream I had was coming to me, erghh I hate it, and I hate me. The dream felt so real. I can't stop remembering the kiss that we shared yesterday. Ohhh how could something so amazing like yesterday made this dream feel so--

buzzzzz buzzzz!!

 The buzzing of my phone cut my thoughts. I rolled to the end of the bed to grab my phone, my bed was a king size bed. I opened the text to see it was Samantha.

“You coming tonight? The girls want to know"

I texted back that I wasn't sure yet. I got up and went down for lunch. Christy was right after all, it was 2 in the afternoon. I went to bed late last night, I had trouble sleeping, and it might have been because of the kiss, hmm that kiss, his lips, yummy!

I didn’t eat much; I was scared that I wouldn't fit my dress. After lunch I did my usual I went up for a bath a long bath to think should or should I not go tonight? Maybe not. I don’t really need that book.  I remember all the songs I made anyways, but something in me wants to know who that guy is and he wouldn't know me since I would be wearing a mask.

I fell asleep again the bath, erghh so hating this. It was already 5 when I got out. Three more hours until the dance, should or should I not go? Erghhhh I fell asleep before I decided if I wanted to go or not, damn brain why are you doing this to me erghhh, your supposed to be on my side!

After minutes of arguing with my head I decided to just go to the dance since I have nothing else to do. I texted Samantha saying I was going and that I would meet them there.

I got Christy, to go my hair since she was really good at it; her mother used to work in a salon and taught Christy a thing or two. my ass felt numb from sitting down for an hour or so after that, I did my own make up, smoky eyes but in blue and black, I applied some blue mascara and put on some pale lipstick and last I put on some lip gloss. I wore my dress and went down to see my father waiting at the end of the stairs.

"Ahh my baby girl, looks like a princess." 

"Ohh dad stop it, you’re going to make me blush." I could feel my cheeks lighting up.

"Good then I see you didn’t use a blusher"

"I’m trying to keep the makeup light dad. Could you help me with this?" I held up my mask and my father took it and helps put it on. "Thanks, dad. Now where is Henry? The girls will be waiting for me"

"Oh, I’m free, I’ll take you there" I hugged my father. "Thanks, dad. Come on"

I decided the make the meeting up part in the next chapter :) and there is a picture on the side to show how Adara's hair looks like. I’ll update next chapter tomorrow. :) and I’m sorry this chapter turn out to be short. I have something important to do so yeah, sorry.


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