Chapter 11. - EDITED-

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||update date 08-03-13|| - this book has been edited by @Anonymously_Izzy


i couldn't stop thinking about what happen earlier, this lips i missed them and his touch i crave for them, i want them! NO! i need them and i need them now. erghhhh i hate myself right now. how could he do that to me. ask me not to tell anyone what happen and that it was a mistake and all then he had to kiss me! A TOTAL JERK!

my my my! I'm falling for a JERK! oi! am i going crazy? did i just admit that i am in love? NO! NEVER! i hate him! i just have to hate him but his lips god! his lips! if kisses could kill, i'd he dead by now.


another class ended and its time for lunch, i didn't feel hungry but the girls kept dragging me to the cafeteria and i had to go willingly or they might start pulling my hair. i really wanted to avoid Rayzac especially after what happens earlier. i haven't told them anything cause i don't want to have to explain myself.

"hey Jake" i felt Amaranth arm let go of mine and walk forward.

JAKE? JAKE JAKE?! whats wrong with that name? DAMN IT Rayzac is always with Jake. i look up to see Rayzac staring at me and i look away from him. i started to make small talks with Samantha and Accalia. 

"come on Amaranth we're hungry!" Samantha felt my other arm and went to Amaranth who was standing beside Jake.

"ummm guys i forgot something in class, i have to go get it" i walk away from them fast before any of them could stop me. i felt someone following me but i didn't dare to look at the back, i was scared to see who it was. it could be Rayzac.

"you should know how to walk fast" i stop and turn when i remembered that the voice belong to Rayyan.

"why are you following me? where is Liza?"

"she is with her friends and i saw you were alone so-"

"i just left something in the class room"

"you never like being alone, thought you might need a friend"

"thanks for being nice, i missed hanging with you"

"i miss you too, baby girl"

"so hows you and Liza?" i didn't want to sound jealous or anything i just got nothing else to talk about.

"we're ok, i still think of you thou, i still care. i know it wrong but i still love for you"

"don't please don't, i don't want to hurt you Rayyan, i care for you but i don't feel like how i used to and i tried and nothing happen, please don't make this hard for me" 

Rayyan pushed me to the lockers hold my hands up so that i wouldn't fight. "Rayyan, what are you doing?"

"i want you Adara, please-"

"let go of her!" i heard a shout i didn't know who it was at first and i turn my head to see that it was Jake and Amaranth was with him. Samantha and Accalia was running coming closer with Rayzac.

"mind your own business, Jake"

"she is my business, Rayyan. she is Amarantha's best friend. now let her go!"

i look Rayyan in the eye "let go of me, Rayyan you're not like this. don't be like this. Liza is a beautiful girl and she is great. now let go and ill forgive you. and we can act as if this never happen"

Rayyyan sight and let go of me "I'm sorry i-i don't know what came over me"

"its alright, Rayyan" i saw him walk away from me. i had to stop him, he was my best friend.

"hey Rayyan, my class is this way? i thought you were going to walk me there?" i gave him a smile and he smiled back. i turn to look at Amaranth muting "are you crazy?" Jake still looked mad sending deadly glares to Rayyan. i turn to look at Rayzac, he had his fist in a ball, he look like he was about to kill someone but then he turn and our eyes met then his body relaxed.

i made this chapter cause i couldnt sleep but now i feel so sleepy and so i have to stop until here, sorry. im make the next chapter tomorrow and ill try to make it long :) night guys. 


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