Chapter 16 -EDITED-

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||update date 08-03-13|| - this book has been edited by @Anonymously_Izzy


The drive to school was awkward, my father kept talking about Rayyan. I wonder how he was, is he coming to the dance tonight? I don’t think so he was, after all, suspended for five-days.

The school was coming up into clear view and I saw Jake hand in hand with Amaranth, they kind of look good together, erghh the hell with it, I was starting to like Jake for Amaranth, he was good for her and vice versa. Samantha and Accalia were with their dates also hand in hand.

I kissed my dad on the cheeks and walk up to them. “I’ll be waiting at 12, hon/” I turn to nod at my father and he drove off.

By the time I reached where the girls once stood, Amaranth and Accalia were nowhere in sight. “Where did they go? And where did your date go?”

“And you are?” My god, she didn’t know who I was.

“it’s me, Sam. Adara.” I had to say it in a duhh tone to make her feel stupid from the way she asked me who I was.

“The fu-“ I closer her mouth, she was screaming I had to I didn’t want more attention from people than I was already having.

“shhhhh, keep it down, woman!”

“Wow, you look wow.”

“Don’t tell anyone that it’s me, swear on it! I’m only here to get something then I’m leaving. So where are the girls?”

“They went in and I stayed to wait for you. Why don’t you want people to know tha-“

“I just done, now come on lets go in.” and we walked in together.

The party was held in the hall and there was this long staircase I had to walk down to reach the dance floor. “Sam, you go ahead I have something to do.” I walked away as fast as I could I didn’t want hear what she had to say.

I walk to the music room, I didn’t know why but I wanted to go first before I got in and before I went to the back garden but than something stopped me, someone pulled me and slammed me into the locker.

“Rayyan, I thought you were sus-“

“I came to see you, I just wanted to say goodbye before I leave and I wanted to apolo-“

“Goodbye? What do you mean goodbye?”

“I’m leaving later at 2am.”

“What? Why? Where?”

“To Paris, I’m going there to finish my studies then I’m coming back”

“But why are you leaving and why am I just hearing about this?”

“B-be-because I am a shame of what I did to you, Adara. I didn’t mean too, I should have not done what I had done. Please forgive me I’m sorry.”

“I already did forgive you. So don’t leave!”

“I have too, baby girl. It will help with me getting over you and maybe I might find someone there. A sexy blonde.” he smirked at me and wink

I laugh and he joined me than letting me.

“Now that I have done, what I came here to do, I must leav-“

“What? Why so soon?” I held his arm to stop him from walking away from me.

“I just decided to leave this afternoon when my mother said she was leaving and I haven’t packed. I have to go home.”

I was about to cry but held my tears back. “I’ll walk you to your car.” Rayyan held his arm out I went to grab it and we walk in silence.

He was leaving for years, I’m losing my best friend, I have to stop him but I can’t I can’t be selfish. He needed this. Even though I know it’s hurting him to leave, and it’s hurting me to see him leave, I had to let go, he deserved this.

My tears finally came out when I saw his car coming into view and everything got blurred. I closed my eyes and suddenly I felt a hand on my cheeks and wiping my tears that had already fell and I opened my eyes to see Rayyan now stand in front of me, holding me. I hugged him as tight as I could and buried my face in his neck

“Shhh, don’t cry, baby girl. This isn’t goodbye forever”

“I know but I won’t be seeing you for years and and-“

“I come back for holidays, Adara. I won’t leave you here alone for years”

“Yeah you should, I hate being alone and you know that”

“Yes, baby girl. I’ll be back for Christmas alright?”


“Now stop crying, I have to go no-” I hugged him tighter “Ufff Adara, your cutting my breathing.”

“Ohh sorry.” I let him and something hit me “How did you know what I was going as?”

“I went to your house and asked Christy and when I got here I saw you walking to the school and went after you.”

“Did, you had to bang me to the locker?”

“I wanted to scared you. Like they do in scary movies.”

“Ahhh!” something else hit me again.

“What’s wrong baby girl?”

“My makeup!” I open my mask and


“What? Is it-“

“No, it’s not destroyed, it still looks perfect, waterproof make up, huh?”

“Ohh, thank god!!”

“Well, baby girl I have to-“

I tackled him again “I’m going to miss you, call me alright?”

“Yes I will, now let go of me, I have to go or my mom will start packing my underwear.”

“Could you put this on?” I handed him my mask and turn for him to tie the mask on. “Thanks”

“You look beautiful, Adara” He kissed my forehand and I smiled, I felt safe like how I used too. “Goodbye”

He went in his car and started the engine, he rolled down the windows. “Goodbye, Ray. Don’t forget me, don’t forget to call and don’t forget to come back and-“

“I love you” I was shocked at what I heard.

“I love you too, Ray” I knew that he knew that I loved him no more than a best friend. “Goodbye” I wave and watched his car disappear onto the road.   

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