Chapter 26 -EDITED-

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||update date 08-03-13|| - this book has been edited by @Anonymously_Izzy


Buzz Buzz Buzz Buzz!

I just walked out of the shower, to see my phone blinking on the table, it must be Rayyan.

"Hay, Rayyan."

"It’s Rayzac."

"Ohhh, sorry I thought it was Ray."

"And why is that?"

"He calls me every night before i go to bed."

"Ohhhh" I heard the hurt and sadness in his voice, who cares! He is looking for a freaking Cinderella!

"Why you call? Who did you get my number?"

"Amaranth, I asked her for it, first she hesitated to give it, don't know why."

"Cause you’re a jerk, daaaa. And this is not a hot-line."

"I’m not flirting ok. And I do not call hot-lines."

"What you want? Hurry up. Rayyan might call anytime and my phone would be busy and he'll get worried"

"You need a drive tomorrow?"

"Morning or-"

"Morning and night."

"Yeah sure why not?"

"Maybe after the competition is done I could take you out, huh?"

"Never in a million years am I going out with you, ass!"

"Alright, alright, can't blame a guy for trying, ey."

"But I sure can blame a jerk for trying. Goodnight Rayzac"

"Night night, Adara. I’ll get you as usual alright?"

"Yeah, bye"

Just as I putted my phone done to get dress it buzzed again and I’m sure this time would be Rayyan. We talked for an hour. We could have talked longer if he wasn't so tired. He almost fell asleep while on the phone. I was tired too since I have been finishing up the stage earlier. I put my phone back on the table and went to put on my night gown.

I woke up the morning feeling lazy but then I remember that Rayzac would be getting me today, I was 5:45am when I got up that means I had time for my usual thinking in the shower thing.

I wanted to know who the guy was, the one that has my book. His kiss was amazing and I’m stupidly falling for someone I didn't know and I’m fall for Rayzac too, what is with me. It’s his fault he shouldn't have been nice to be that jerk. He’s just trying to get in my pants that ass!!

I’m no virgin, I gave it up on my first anniversary with Rayyan but we only did it once and I-I erghhhh. I looked at my hands and they looked old and I knew I had been in the shower for too long. I got out and dried myself. I thought about what to wear. Maybe a dress with a cardigan? And heels? Or flats hmmm.

I went with a blue dress with flowers on it, a plain white cardigan and a blue wedges. I grab my bag and went down for a quick breakfast; Rayzac could be here anytime soon.


Ahh that's my ride. Erghhh my phone it's still on my table. Erghh never mind. I walked out of the house and went in the car.

"Morning, Adara"

"Morning, Rayzac"

"So Rayyac called?"

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